How To Kill Her Part Four [NaJ_Yandere!Fresh x PJ x Yandere!Reader]

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Another part already? Well, thank someone named 6backstab for this part four. Maybe I can end it here so I can get more oneshots before I'm forced to end the book.

The cookies were done, on the counter, and cooling down to be eaten whenever you were ready. You looked over to the couch and saw Fresh cuddling up to PJ. He didn't look tense at all, so of he was glad Fresh was there and not you. You pouted your lips a little in discontent.

"Boys! Wash your hands!"

Fresh certainly didn't seem happy you interrupted him. Well  he did agree to share. Didn't he? And you made cookies, Hey should be grateful and eat them when they're perfect. They should be done cooling by now. 

Both of them went to the bathroom to wash their hands. You got out three plates and three tall glasses of milk. Milk strengthens bones, doesn't it? Why not have a nice game pass of milk with perfectly warm chocolate chip cookies. Wow, you are acting like a Mom.

PJ and Fresh sat down at the table in your house, the very same table Fresh would make plans with you to eliminate rivals. But now you felt somewhat of a hostile glare from him. He's probably cranky you interrupted him. He will get used to it. You love PJ too.

"Hey, (Your name)? Can I talk to you after this?"

Fresh took a larger gaping bite out of his cookie, refusing to admit it was the beating thing he's ever tasted in his entire life. PJ was also enjoying your cookies, which gave you the best feeling ever. You took a bite yourself before answering him.

"Of course. "

Fresh was regretting his decision. Well, not to have you help. You were a great supplier and help getting rid of those pesky girlfriend before. But now you were in the way, just like them. Maybe if he could get you alone he can get you out of the way. 

Backstabbing was brutal and a cowardly way to get rid of your rival. But oh ho ho it was so satisfying to see them realize they never should have trusted you at all. He could always sneak a knife from a kitchen drawer. The ironic thing would be to use your cleaver. 

But you didn't deserve a painful death, not after helping him and trusting him with so much. He almost felt bad for thinking about killing you. But then again, almost only works in horse shoes, hand grenades, and tactical nuclear weapons. He didn't care if you were dead. That made PJ his and his alone.

Oh my, cookies do run out fast don't they? With someone with an athlete's appetite at the table that was surely the case. PJ looked at you in the eyes, knowing you were the person to ask for permission before doing anything and not Fresh. You were the one with the Cleaver.

"Hey, uh, (Your name). Can I be excused?"

You giggled to yourself. Oh my, what a gentleman! Such manners! You gestured that he could go. Fresh had this glare in his eyesockets that looked like he was watching a prey of his. You didn't like it. It was clear he was having second thoughts. Good thing he didn't know you always had a switchblade on you no matter what.

"(Your name), I don't think this will work."

Fresh said it simply, trying to show mercy. If you just left and swore to secrecy about their plans, it would be easy. Or even better, became one of his maids. You seemed to like taking care of others, so maybe he doesn't have to kill you.

"Neither do I. It seems you lack trust in me and want him only for yourself, Fresh. We are supposed to share him."

PJ clearly heard everything. He gulped, hiding behind the wall to get insight in wants was happening. His Ex not Ex and the creepily nice girl from math class were just sitting st the table, glaring daggers at eachother. Oh shit, one of them did have a dagger.

"(Your name)-"

He was about to bring up another point. PJ saw a hint of silver in your hand, out of his sight. A switchblade. He kept quiet, watching to see how this whole thing would play out.  Before Fresh could finish his sentence a switchblade was thrown into his skull, making him coke up a little dust. 

You swiftly grabbed a cleaver on the counter after that blow and danced to behund him, holding the knife to his throat. Fresh was thrashing, knowing you had trouble with targets that weren't still. But it increased the pain if you missed.

"Hold still damnit! I don't want to hurt you more than I gotta!"

She sliced through his neck, decapitating Fresh. PJ gasped, then covered his mouth. His Ex, the only person he actually loved before, was just dead at the hand of the one he originally thought was the nicer kidnapper. With a dead look in her eye, she met his.

"Oh, sorry Dear. I don't like liars."

You grinned at him like a Cheshire Cat. He gulped and tried to take a step back, but he ran into the couch. He stumbled over it, falling over it and landing on the cushions. You were standing over him, in between his bent legs with a cleaver in hand.

"You won't lie to me, will you?"

PJ frantically shook his head, scared for his own life more than anything. That was one thing you noticed. Humans and Monsters alike valued their own lives more than anything else and will go through torture just to keep them. So that's how you can keep PJ yours


I think I ended it well. XD


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