Confessions [NaJ_ Nerd!Killer x Girlfriend!Reader]

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You were hanging out at Killer's place. You were playing around with one of his many rabbits wearing a i ♥️ Bunnies tee shirt while Killer is just laying down on his bed. It was just a casual Sunday. You both were just chilling.

"Hey Killer."

Killer sat up at the mention of his name. He looked as if he was just about to fall asleep but you prevented him. He was cuddling a little Pillow Per rabbit. Does anyone else remember pillow pets? No? Huh.

"Did you have any crushes before me?"

Killer flushed whatever blush he does. His lack of answer for a good five seconds told you that it was a hell Mother fudging yes. You stood up, grabbing the bunny, and sat on his bed next to him. You held the bunny in your lap and looked at him.

"Come on, Babe. You can tell me. I promise I won't go batshit yandere mode."

Killer sighed, rubbin the back of his skull. You know, that cliche nervous gesture guys do when they are reluctant to say something. You were kind of anxious to hear who his previous crush was. It can't be worse than yours.

"I... used to have a thing for Mister Nightmare."

You let out a snirk, trying not to laugh. Well that was unexpected. I mean, you already knew he used to date Outer until he moved away to go study astrophysics at some fancy smchancy Private School, but you didnt know this!

Okay, screw it. You bursted out laughing, causing Killer to take the rabbit from you and cross his arms stubbornly. This was adorable, seeing him like this.  That just made you laugh double as hard. Yes, you can grammar today. You are fluent in both gibberish and Engrish.

"Okay well who did you like before me!?"

You stop laughing gradually. Who did you like before this? Oh now that's a funny story you will never live down. You wipe your eyes, because you were laughing so hard you started crying. You steal the rabbit back from Killer because you know he's going to laugh even harder than you when he hears:

"I had a thing for Coach Error."

Killer let out a snirk this time before busting out with laughter. You just looked st him and rolled your eyes. Yours definately took the cake for the weirdest crush. I mean, come on. Coach Error literally got proposed to by Mister Ink this year. What? He's hot!

"Coach Error!? Really?!"

He looked at you in disbelief. 

"Yeah. Coach Error. At least I wasn't in love with the Vice Principal."

Killer punched your shoulder playfully. You laugh a little under your breath. The bunny hopped away, very annoyed with you two laughing and almost dropping him several times. He went to the garden with his little bunny friends.

"So... How did you get rejected? If you told Coach I mean."

Oh, so he thinks you actually admitted it!? Okay, maybe you have. It was really weird too. He wants a good story to laugh about, doesn't he? You smiled and shook your head  little bit. You look into his eyesockets.

"You gonna Tell me how you got rejected?"


"Okay sweet."

So you two had a deal now. A story for a story. This was gonna be really fun to explain. You inhale deeply, preparing yourself. You were about to expose yourself to your boyfriend. This was going to be fun.

"Well it was the middle of the year. I went to the Boy's gym to drop off something for the girl's gym teacher. I always volunteer so I get to see Coach. He looked over at me and took whatever it was. I took that as my chance to ask him if he would meet me after school. He looked at me like I was a crazy ass bitch, then started laughing. He ruffled my hair and he told me he wasn't a pedophile. In fact, he yelled it to embarrass me. He told me he was sorry and he wouldn't go out with me really loud. After that he pulled me aside and told me he was sorry and couldn't help himself in embarassing me a little and that he wouldn't mind if I wanted to play a game of basketball with him anytime."

Killer started laughing. Embarrassed by your teacher crush. That was your story. You wait for Killer to calm down before urging him to tell his story. You were waiting in anticipation for him to start blabbing you the details. Killer sighs.

"I was really loopy that day, and kinda horny. Out of nowhere I kiss his check, then ask him to make love to me. Those exact words. I try to french kiss him. I succeed for a while until he goes mad and reveals his true form to me, losing his cool. He almost kills me if it wasn't for a Dream. Then I tried to kill his ex wife he was getting close to again. He catches me and apologizes to me. He says he considers me a friend now. Crazy, right?"

You hold back your laughter. He tried to french kiss a teacher? Wait, no. He tried to fuck the vice principal!? Okay. You were dead. You fell backwards on the bed laughing, rolling off. You hit the floor and kept laughing. Killer rolled his eyes, then rolled off the bed. He landed next to you.

You both had some crazy crush confessions.

I'm sorry I couldn't resist! XD


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