Strategy Part Two [NaJ_Error x Shy!Reader]

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Request by pieceofaucrap

You sat in the bleachers, watching and observing. You told your father you were going to go to the mall with some friends but came here for practice instead. With Coach Error. Sometimes his players would sneak a cheeky glance at you, but they mostly were focused. Good, it was much better than constantly being flirted on back at the academy.

His practices were mostly self taught, hands on experience where he corrects of necessary. One on one little things on blocking, getting around, and other things. Very effective way to train the players and make them form a bind between themselves. 

You've gathered enough information. You stood up and slipped down the bleachers. The metal sounds made all the boys stop and stare, including coach. Coach Error had a wide smirk on his face.

"Boys! This is (Your name)! She's an Academy Snob. She's going to help coach us."

Some of them booed after hearing your from the academy. Well, your uniform gave it away but whatever. Other boys were confused. A student, possibly younger than them, coaching them? No way. But then there were a few who didn't mind or were pretty happy with a pretty girl teaching them. You made eye contact with Coach Error's son. You gulped.

"H-hello. I'm (Your name). Uh, my Dad is a coach and I wanted to help you out. I don't like his methods all that much And he doesn't let me get involved too much, but I'm happy to help! First off, I'd like to meet everyone and learn your strengths, weaknesses, and personality types so I know who to group you in and what we need to work on. Also."

Coach Error glanced at his boys. They were surprised to hear that from a girl like her. She had a clipboard and looked nerdy and adorable and everything! Error had a feeling he was going to like working with this girl. 

Each boy one by one told Hern exactly what she wanted to know, PJ going first to be a role model and to show she's actually on our side. She was a fast writer and it went down quick. She flipped the notebook page over to show a Laf I aged map of the court.

"Alright. PJ, you're the star of the show most often. I want you smack dab in the center of the left sides. Okay, where is Henry? There you are! Center on the right. You and PJ are going to be at the tip off done by Coach Error."

Both boys nodded and jogged into the places you assigned them. PJ is like the Troy of this high school. Until other players are more comfortable being involved, he can be a scapegoat. You saw potential in Henry, so might as well play him there at the start.

"What's this? A scrimmage?"

You glanced over at Coach Error and gave him the most innocent smile you could give. A bunch of the boys and even him, himself gave out a little blush. You could look cute and innocent when you wanted to.

"Of course. Where else would you get hands on experience than in real game scenarios? Now. Kurt and Ram I want you on the Left side with PJ. Then I want Michael And Jeremy with Henry. We'll start with three on threes and work out way up to the full game scenario six on six. The rest of you, I will switch you out During game with a blow of Coach Error's whistle. Stay standing and stay pumped. We want that blood flowing!"

The boys cheered and got in position. Coach Error blew the whistle and tipped the ball off to the boys. He then looked at you, so focused on observing the boys as they played. Error couldn't help but think about how adorable you were.

"Now boys, while you're on the sidelines I want you to critique. What could they do better? What plays do you want to try and mimick? If you focus on the little things, you will pick them up and learn it yourself." 

Woah, she was even smarter than he was. More tactical. He always thought if they were determined, wanted it, and played hard enough they could achieve anything. That used to work when he was in school. Now he could learn new things. And you were the start.

"Coach? Coach. I need you to blow whistle."

"Huh?! Oh, right."

Error blew the whistle and you ordered two of the least experienced, wimpy players to take PJ and Henry's place. Error was confused why until he saw the notes on your clipboard. Need lots of practice. He didn't say a word. All he did was look at you.

What a cute, smart schoolgirl.

What if I told you I've never played basketball before. Like, real basketball. Not just knockout or something. Well I haven't. Don't believe me, do ya?


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