Recollection Part Two [Sans x Reader]

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I was going to do Paps right now but... NdragonEyes asked for a part two and I had some ideas. Paps can wait. Sorry bud.

You were heading bsck to Grillby's with a smile. Since when do you smile? Since this run of the game. Since you met Sans. Since he reassured you that the resets were real and you weren't just some glitch.

Somyou began meeting here every so often, having a grande old time before the game resets again. The player seemingly was going pacifist. Good. Thst mad his job a lot easier. Genocide would just cause more emotional trauma.

But yet we could never know. The player is still with Toriel. It's better not to assume until Sans meets them upfront. But until then, you can sit back and relax this run. And why not relax with the one person in this whole universe thst understands you?

"Hey Sans."

You wave to him in your confident voice, walking up to the stool and sitting down. Sans's permenant grin grows wider seeing you. He signals a two to Grillby and turns right to you.

"Heya girly. What's been going on recently? You still don't tell me what you do when you leave."

Sans was worried in a way, but he didn't want to show it. If he showed any kind of negative emotion, he learned you reflected it and amplified it by a hundred. It's a burn how you're code worked in the game.

"Oh, where I live? I, uh... can I, uh, not say?"

Please please please please. You didn't want to tell him you literally loved at the dump. Sure, you still had him, your only friend, but everyone else still mocked you. Everyone else still hated you. Excluding the great papyrus because how does something that innocent hate someone?

Sans sighed. No matter how hard he pushes down on the bar, the nutcracker can't crack a walnut. He stuffed his hands in his pockets. You really didn't like to talk about personal things, huh? That's made things harder for him. No matter. No bad times here.

"Alright, But ya gotta tell me things sooner or later."

And just like that an order of burger and fires was set down before you. Sans had the fries and a cup of ketchup to the side. You always got the small cheeseburger with your favorite extras/condiments. It was basically tradition.

You licked your lips. Yes, you had lips. You glanced over at Sans, who was dragging a fry in a circle apinside the ketchup. You felt bad. Oh no you made him feel bad. It was your fault for being selfish. You were selfish about your information and you made him feel bad! Dangit dangit dangit!

"Sans I'm sorry..."

Sans looked up in surprise. Why were you sorrry? He was just trying to figure out where the heck you loved to make you want to hide it. Was it because who you're programmed parents were? Is it so far away? Huh.

If you lived in Snowdin he'd know. If you lived in Hotlands Alphys would know you, and She doesn't. If you lived near waterfall Undyne would know and she doesn't know your name either. So where? Where could you live?  He thought you trusted him enough to know what's going on in your 'life'. It kinda hurt to know there are still secrets... something as big as where you live too.

"Sorry? For what?"

You looked at the burger you took a small nibble or two out of. You inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly.

"Not telling you everything. But if you knew you'd hate me...."

You trailed off. If he knew you lived in the garbage dump he'd think you were garbage and poor and just a glitch in the game's mainframe like when ghastly shows up and someone just messed with the files. Or he'll think you're some kind of hostile beast just waiting for the perfect moment to end his life. No. No. NO. you CANT have that! You cared about sans too much for that. This wasn't your place, but you loved him. Before the blood could rush from your eyes you felt Sans place a bony hand on your shoulder and chuckle.

"Hey (Your name), I will never hate someone who has been through as much as me."

You sniffed and smiled at him, looking straight into his eye sockets. You breathed in peacefully, and out peacefully. You told him everything.

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