Don't Take My Senpai Away [NaJ_Yandere!Palette x Reader]

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I didn't know what to do so I panicked. This request is for 6backstab. (Do NOT look at their profile pic up close unless you want a severe hit in the feels.) With that said, I'm pretty sure it's Storytime.

You are my Senpai, my only Senpai. You give me Dokis and shades of gray. You'll never notice me, but I'll still love you. Please don't take my Senpai away!

Palette was smiling wide, happy. He hasn't been this happy in a while. When he met you he felt his soul swell up in joy. Palette always believed in destiny, and he swore you were his destiny. As a transferred upperclassman it was hard to get close to you.

But then something great happened. You started going to the school football games where he did cheer. He would always see your face in the crowd and start smiling with joy. He would cheer with all his heart knowing you were in the audiance!

You are my Senpai, my only Senpai. You give me blushies that last all day. You don't talk to me but I still love you. Please don't take my Senpai away.

Palette then started to notice where you go after these games. You would go straight to the concession stand after the game and wait. You'd lean against the wall and just stare a table the sky, as if waiting for something. Palette had to leave before he could ever figure out why you were waiting.

One time, at a game, he approached you. He approached and talked to his Senpai. You gave him a compliment he'd never forget. You said he was cute and you loved how he cheered. You also asked him to keep smiling because you loved his smile. So whenever you were near or even thought to be near, he would smile wide like you loved.

You are my Senpai, my only Senpai. You give me giggles and love my smile anyway. I don't see you too often, but I still love you. Please don't take my Senpai away.

One day he managed to stay late at a football game, the last football game of the second semester. He waited right by you, leaning against the wall and talking to you. Talking to his Senpai.

That's when he showed up. A football player who went to his school. He walked up to you with  big, shit eating grin. Palette's face went sour as your face brightened up. You ran up to him and hugged his neck. He ruffled your hair affectionately.

"Palette, this is (boy's name)! (Boy's name), this is palette!"

The smile you had when being around him was different than the smiles you gave him. He didn't like it. He felt something new Inside of him, something ugly deep down in his soul. Palette believed in fate, and his fate was to be with you. He won't let this football jock get in the way of being with HIS Senpai.

You are my Senpai, my only Senpai. You say I'm a cutie and you are my bae. But when you're with him, I feel so jealous. Please don't take my Senpai away.

At school Palette just so happened to run into (boy's name). He had a knife hidden in his clothing. Lucky for Palette, Football practice and cheer practice are back to back but with a five minute interval between them before school. That meant Palette had a small window of time to....

"(Boy's name)?"

The jock turned around.

"Oh, hey! You're the little squirt (your name) talks about all the time! Palette, right?"

Palette flashed a fake smile, clenching the knife which he maneuvered behind his back to slash him and make for an easy kill. The football jock just went on, talking about whatever. But then Palette started listening when he heard a magic word.

"Yeah, (Your name) won't talk about anything else! Ooh, that cheerleader is so cute! I wonder if he's straight! I wonder if he has a girlfriend! Yeah, my sister really is crazy about ya. You shouldn't talk to her, ya know?"

Palette put up the knife, fumbling to hide it. He looked up at the jock with wide eyesockets, pupils also wide to confirm what he heard. Some mockery in a bad interpretation of your voice and that he was your brother.

"Wait, Sister?"

He nodded.

"Yeah, (Your name) is my sister. Can't you see the resemblance? Ha! Kidding! Probably not! I inherited all the good looks and brawn,  she inherited the brains. I started making her come to my games this year. It seems like it was a good thing if he finally found her first crush. Take care of her kid."

He slapped Palette's back and walked off. Palette just stood there for a moment. His Senpai loved him! And his rival was her brother, so no elimination necessary! Palette was grinning like an idiot.

You are my Senpai, my only Senpai. You give me dokis and shades of gray. You have noticed me, and I love you. We'll be the best couple of our day.

I hope this was good. Again, I had no ideas and I panicked. No killing was made in the process of this oneshot! I know it ain't yandere wihout killing but this was an exception! I was about  to kill him!


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