Sweet Dreams? [Nightmare!Sans x Reader]

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EVERYONE WHI SAYS THAT PAPERFRESH ISNT A CUTE SHIP NEEDS TO BURN IN HELL!!! ... with me because I've sinned. To make up for it I made a fluffy oneshot. Also the song up there is stuck in my head. Storytime.

The void and antivoid were no longer speared. Not since the refsbrication of a newer, truer truce. W truce tied not only by words, but by the life of PaperJam. And get this, the son of Error and Ink. Crazy! Right?

But yeah, everyone is happy and no more fights. The corrupted are slowly reforming. Well, Nightmsre still needed some reforming but Error was your typical Dad. Also Fresh was living in the void with you now so that's a lot of fun... heh heh...

But right now you we're  hanging out with your favorite cinnamon rolls while Fresh and Error are doing some serious chat in some other demension. Ink was watching you all carefully, ececpecially his son. Blueberry, Dream, and PJ were all taking your hair pretend it's super duper long and braiding it. You were holding Nightmare from the front as he hurried his skull in your chest. His arms wrapped around you as he was apparently sleeping.

How you got here? Cute story. Blueberry wanted to braid your hair in the beginning and you let him. Nightmare got jealous when he saw you and picked you up and away from Blueberry, messing him up. Blueberry got mad and Nightmare held you like a stuffed animal he was holding above to keep away from a little sibling. That's when Dream came over with PJ. They were just going exploring around OuterTale when they saw Nigh,are just holding you with  pout on his face along with blueberry crossing his arms. Ink was out with Fresh and Error couldn't care less. A compromise was made. All three of them worked on your hair while nightmare held you protectively. He was really cute when he was jealous.

But now you were stroking his skull as light snores bounce down off of your skin. It was adorable. You couldn't pry your eyes off of nightmare. His limp arms desperately trying to hang onto your waist, his tentacles drooped on the ground as if they're weren't alive at all. Puddles of gool surrounded the tentacles, but you grown used to it. You hardly felt the three skeletons playing around with your hair. Heck, you didn't notice them braiding flowers into your hair! Black ones, of course. Nightmare would get mad if it was a different color because everyone wore different colors and he'd get jealous thinking you liked them more. Poor Nightmare. You've grown accustomed to his jealous rage. He was a living nightmare, and lots of people dream negatively about rejection. 

Blueberry stood up with a cheer, Dream and PJ following him. Ink redirected his gaze after falling asleep himself and smiled. You couldn't look at your hair but you could tell it looked lovely. You smiled. Without turning your head, you said:

"Thank you boys."

All three of them replied their own version of the words "you're welcome", then they left you and nightmare in peace. PJ probably went to OuterTale or DanceTale with Ink. Blueberry and Dream May have went to the waterfall in UnderTale or back to UnderSwap. Who knows? But you were in the void with Nightmare.

You felt him flinch into conciousness. Another nightmare, you assumed. As you've learned, none of his dreams ever have happy endings. It was a price to pay for being made of these horrible hellish dreams. You kept your hand stroking his skull. What surprised you is when he lifted his skull to have his eye meet yours. He looked as surprised as you, him being so calm. In a low voice, he said:

"I didn't have a nightmare..."

He started chucking. You couldn't help a smile growing across your lips. He didn't have a bad dream? He always woke up trembling, crying, screaming, or thrashing. So much that sometimes he was afraid to sleep. But, he didn't have a nightmare.


You ask in disbelief. His skeleton grin stretches wider. His tentacles come back yo life and wrap themselves around you, adding more to the hug. He embraced you so hard you fell backwards in the void. He still hugged you.

"No nightmare!"

"No nightmare!"

You were like his parrot, giggling when he chcukled and repeating him. His didn't care about the goop getting in your three braids. Three braids? That's a new style. But he didn't care! No nightmares!

For the first time, he had actual sweet dreams. And guess who they were about? None other than you. Sleeping in your arms have him the safety he always needed to have a wonderful rest. He needs to embrace you more often...

Cute, huh? I try.


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