Last Supper [Storyshift!Sans x Reader]

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OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS AU!!! It's a great way to end the sans train, don't you think? King Sans for the winnnnn! SIColorsOfTheRainbow made this her last request so let's go out with a bang! Let's gooooooooooo!

"Heya kid. So... you know why you're here, right?"

The king of the underground was before you. You expected him to be a lot taller, and a lot more formal. But the way Papyrus, the keeper of the ruins, described him you half expected this. He seemed like a nice skeleton. He wouldn't take your SOUL, right?

"My monsters need me to break the barrier. I need your SOUL for that. Then maybe Paps will be happier than he's always been.... Sorry Kiddo."

He stepped a foot on the ground. Before you were seven canisters, each holding a different colored SOUL. One of them was empty, clearly for your soul. The skeleton king had a very pained look on his face. He did not want to do this as much as you.

"Maybe we could have been friends, maybe we could have went out to eat together and told fun jokes. Maybe in another life... but I'm afraid this isn't that life. Are you ready, kiddo?"

Your heart was wrenching. You didn't expect this. You looked in his eyesockets, seeing the spine in his eyesockets. He looked as if he had former memories conflicting within his cranium. But that was nothing except impossible.

You looked at your hands and inventory. You had a lot of healing items, including the special spegetti dish that Papyrus gave you. Papyrus was the brother of the king, so maybe this could sway him? Oh well. You had nothing but a Squip and old bandaid equipped on you. You Inhaled.

"King Sans? Do you want to have one last meal with me?"

Sans paused for a moment, looking at you. He sighed out a breath he knew he didn't need to. You were about to die, may as well give them a final request. After this though, everyone will be free. Everyone will see the sun and Paps... sweet innocent paps... he will finally be as happy as he deserves to be.

"Of course. What do you want? I know a shortcut anywhere, kid."

You reached in your inventory and pulled out the special spaghetti, showing it to the king. His eyesockets were deprived of life for a moments, a cold sweat condensing on the side of his skull. His soul stopped shining for a second. He looked at the spegetti.

"Where... where did you get this?"

"From Papyrus. He is in the ruins."

You answer him without hesitation. He looked as of he was about to fall apart. Like his joints were going to literally come undone and his bones just end up in a pile on the floor. Papyrus left because he couldn't stand the fact that he took the souls of the fallen children, thinking he would be doing what was better he ran off. The memory of papyrus swam in his skull.


Suddenly, your phone rang. You picked it up and out of sheer luck a familiar, loud, self confident voice boomed so both of you could hear.


Silence. Then sans stepped forward, taking the phone from you gently and placing it up against the side of his face.


Silence on the other end. Until...

"Sans? Why do you have,the human's phone?"

His voice went quiet. You were on edge, wanting to know what would happen next. Someone pass you a bucket of popcorn because you'd Be here a while.

"Pap... I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry..."

Sobs came from the king. He was now brought down to his patellas. He sobbed. Papyrus on the other end heard this cries. He felt bad for leaving his brother to rule the underground alone, with no family whatsoever.

"Nonsense sans! I just... needed some space! Yeah! That's it! Nyeh heh! If you spare the human's life I'll come home."

Sans couldn't believe what he was hearing for two reasons. One, Pap wasn't yelling like he always does. Two, he was coming back to The capital? And he didn't hate him? Sans was overwhelmed. He looked at you, and you gave him a thumbs up. Sans let out one more sob before:

"Really? ...I love you bro."

"I love you too, sans."

The phone clicked. The call ended. You looked at sans and his skull looked as if he had a genuine smile, not one painted on. He took the spegetti into his hands, letting a tear drop onto it from his eyesocket. 

"Thank you, kid. I am forever in your debt."

You smiled, feeling accomplished. Sans stomped his foot again and the six souls were put back into hiding. Maybe next time he sees a human, or maybe they may never leave at all. Papyrus was coming home. That's all that mattered to the Mountain King Sans.

Oof. The feels. Did I hit ya hard?


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