Cocky? [Poketale!Sans x Trainer!Reader]

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You casually made your way around Snowdin, seeing if anybody wanted to battle. You almost made always won because Snowdin people love their ice types and your partner was a freaking Ninetails. So yeah, you were getting a little Cocky.

You made it back around to Papyrus, whipping his butt back to him. Sure, he had other types other than ice. Is Painward was a pain in the ass, but you still beat him with only your Ninetails. WOO HOO UNSTOPABLE!!!

"Heya, Kid. You want to battle me?"

You looked at the trainer. Oh hell yes. This was Sans, former champion of the Ebbot region. He was strong as hell. Nothing your team couldn't handle. You had a fire in your eye and a smirk on your face.

"Hell yeah! Got any special rules?"

Sans smirked his skeletal smirk. He fiddled woth his beanie before grabbing a singular pokeball from out of his coat. Knowing him, he has a great counter to fire types. So to throw off his groove you'd also use a Pokémon that isn't your Ninetails.

"One Pokémon each. One on one dealio. Deal?"

He hodks out his free hand for shaking. You smirk and take his hand, firmly grasping it and giving him a friendly handshake to symbolize the deal was done. You both jumped back into position, throwing out your Pokémon.

You are about tin fogure out why my Pokémon Boiz x reader book has over fifty thousand reads everybody.

"Heads up Gengar."

"Time to Shine Swampert!"

Both Pokémon were sent out at the same time. You notice that genhar isn't holding a stone right off the bat, unlike your Swampert who just wears a pendant around his neck. You and Sans both have the same idea.

"Gengar, mega evolve!"

"Swampert, super Sayan time!"

Both Pokémon were encased in a crystal like cocoon before they destroy it and reveal their new forms. Both of them look even  ore badass than before. Sans had his hands in his pockets, bouncing a little on his feet. You were in the standard trainer position, ready for a good battle. This outta be a fun, well earned victory for you.

"Gengar, Shadow Ball."

Gengar quickly charged up the shadow ball. Woah. He must be specially trained in the speed stat. Your swampert was a special defense and special attack main. Let's see, you had a small window to think. Gengar usually has a levitate ability. No earthquake. Oh shit he shadow ball was already released.

"Counter with Fire Punch!"

Yes, your water/ground type Pokémon knows an fire type move. It's very effective against super effective grass types like sceptile. Swampert obeyed, locking inn twrget to the shadow energy. His fist engulfed in flames as he punch he'd taken the large orb of energy, knocking it back towards Gengar.

"Gengar, throw it back with Ominous Wind."

A large, ominous wind started blowing towards Swampert and you in turn. The now fire powered ghastly orb wasn't now being launched at Swampert, gaining more power by the second. The ominous wind was already draining Swampert of HP, but when the shadow ball hit him he was already half way down in health while Gengar is still perfectly healthy. The wind subsides.

Oh, it was on.

"Use Hydro cannon but mix ice beam Into it."

Swampert nodded. Sans was confused for a moment. What the hell did that mean? Add an ice beam in the middle of a Hydro cannon? Well, he wouldn't have left long to find out. While he was thinking about it the combination move wasn't being hurled at Gengar.


He barked out quickly. Gengar tried to fake it out but it managed to hit him barely, knocking a fourth of his HP out. He could see what you meant now. There was literally an ice beam surrounded by a Hydro cannon. There was a perk of you using Hydro cannon. Now you were completely open for attack.

"Gengar, Ominous wind, then use psychic continuously!"

Swampert was comeoltely still, needing to recharge afte such a draining attack. He braced himseld for the impact. A powerful ominous wind mixed with phichit bursts snapped the rest of the HP out of Swampert. He fell to the ground. 

Papyrus was watching and cheerfing for his brother! He won! He avenged him! Man, his brother was an awesome battler! But not as awesome as the Great Papyrus! But still, he stepped forward like the inner Cilan within him. 

"Swampert fainted! The winner is Gengar!"

The people of Snowdin cheered. You pouted and had Swampert return into his pokeball. It was a pocket monster after all. With logic like that's you can just throw a pokeball at Sans and capture him on the spot for beating you. 

"Great battle, kid. But let this be a lesson. Don't mess with Papyrus"

You expected a heartfelt moral at the end of this story, but Sans is Sans. He will always be over protective of his brother. His hands stuffed in his pockets still while he walked over to his brother, waiting for the rush of praise to get to him.

But let this be a lesson to everyone here. Never mess with Papyrus

This was fin to write. A blast from the past in a way. Ha ha! I hope you enjoyed this oneshot pokefans!


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