Bed [Sans x Reader]

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Okay, by the power of comic dubs and NdragonEyes I have a request and some ideas. Maybe I can get them out. Also, a huge sorry to Gelotophobic because I can't do G Sans as a request. So this is for both of you!

You walk up to one of Sans's many posts. He was sleeping on the counter with a cat cuddled up in his arms, using it like a pillow. You smirked yo yourself and got out your phone, snapping a quick picture.

You save the photo as your screensaver and send it to Papyrus. He would love this. You smiled to yourself and put your phone away, looking at sans. You sighed happily. What were you going to do with this lazy bones?

You silently walked up to the post, resting your fingers on the surface of the counter. You tapped lightly, so you would barely disturb him. Maybe if you were lucky you could cover for him again and let sans get some more sleep.

Fun Fact about our favorite pessimistic skeleton: he was an insomniac. Despite him always taking naps, he can't sleep at night. Terrible nightmares happen and trigger at night, so he tries to make up for sleep during the day. Sadly he can't trade for night shifts in any of his jobs. Poor Sans, and he won't tell papyrus about his nightmares. You yourself barely knew, but you had ways to fight them. One being staying up with him, by his side silently. Like a guardian angel. You smile at the thought.

Sans groggily shifts next back into conciousness, regrettably. You can tell because his pupils flash back to life within his eyesockets. They were a dim glow but still there. He smiles when he sees you.

"Heya, Kiddo."

He chuckles out. You looked at the peacefully sleeping cat in his arms. You think of a pun and let it rip. What? He loves puns!

"Feline better?"

He looked down at the cat and has a blue blush scattered over his cheekbones. His jawline stretches into a further smile before relaxing once again so he can speak to you. Skeleton anatomy was weird, but it was also simple.

"Yeah. Just a quick catnap."

You crossed your arms over your chest and popped put your hips. Oh no. Sans knew what was coming. You were going to order him off to bed and take over his jobs for him. Last time Papyrus caught you and sans sleeping and fussed at him. Besides, the bags under your eyes were noticeable now. He was starting to worry about your own health as well.

"Well, that catnap needs to turn into hibernation. Shortcut to bed now."

Attention folks, mother mode has been activated. You took the cat away from sans and cradled it in your arms like a baby, careful not to disturb the precious animal who somehow made it to th underground. Sans groaned, standing up from his post.

"What about you? You look bone tired."

You laughed at his joke. He was right. You've been overworking yourself handling all of his jobs when he slept, and maintaining your own career as Alphys's part time assistant. But you can handle it! Sans had to do this for year so before you arrived, so why can't you help him out a bit?


You warned him. Sans knew that tone of voice. He watched you place the cat back on the counter in its curled up glory. He watched you start to take off your jacket and cover the kitty. You wore nothing but a tank top underneath. Terrible idea in Snowdin.

"Kid, you need to sleep."

You clenched your fists, looking down. You didn't need sleep! You could go on forever like this! What was this slur of emotion in your head? Sleep deprivation? Screw it you could last. It's only been two weeks without so much as a wink. You got this. You were still strong! Look at you! Still standing upright.

"Well, I'm not insomniatic so I think I'll surivie. I promise I'll sleep tonight."

You cross your heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in your eye. Sans looked at you before giving in, taking th shortcut back to his home hopefully to get some much needed sleep. You look to the sentry station you have to watch for now. You watch read three forty five. In fifteen minutes sans has a shift at the hotcat stand in hotlands. 

You look at the sleeping kitten on the countertop. You smiled faintly. Yeah, you don't need that sleep. You were the tireless worker! Yeah... the tireless worker....

You fell asleep right there.

Sans teleported back just to clarify when he needed to be up so you could go to Alphys. He was surprised to see you passed out on the counter. Heh. That was fast. He couldn't help but chuckle and make a pun or two to himself.

He went around and picked you up bridal style, taking a shortcut back home. When he got home he placed you on the Couch and laid a few blankets on you. He snuck underneath them and held you from behind like a teddy bear.

"Heh, mine~"

He whispered out as he fell asleep with you in his Arms.

Fluff enough for ya, N?


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