Popular Guardian Part Five [NaJ_Unfresh x Reader]

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Literally right after I posted this Riverain_2003 wanted more so here we go. Let's just hope I'm not caught staying up late.... Chapter moved to put it in chronological order.

You were sent home with a broken nose. Yeah, pathetic. Your parents aren't home around now so you were ar home alone. You already scheduled a doctor's appointment and left texts to Goth and Palette in case they'd haven't heard and placing an apology for the past few weeks. You placed his glasses on the counter and wore his jacket, cuddling it as much as you could.

You just sat on the couch, trying not to think of the pain in your nose. As long as it isn't agitated, hen oain was tolerable. Sure, there was a steady stream of blood coming out of your nostrils, but at least you broke up with PJ, which happened to be one of the hardest and scariest things you've ever done.

Speaking of post-anxiety, what you said! You sounded like a freaking adult and nobody listens to! You really needed it up today! But it didn't matter anymore. You don't have to pretend to be popular so PJ will still "love" you. You can be you. And maybe UnFresh would still want you at after this. He is in a fight for you right now...

Oh geez, the fight. When you left and blacked out they looked like they were going to brawl to the death. Until their bones grinned to dust. Did you really cause such a mess? Could you really do so much damage to those two in eight simple weeks?

You groaned, watching whatever the heck was on your television. You weren't paying no attention. Right now you were lost in thoughts, all alone. That is, until your phone goes off with a special ringtone you made just for UnFresh. Yep! You guessed it! The "Special Friends" kazoos! You picked up the phone, trying not to agitated the broken nasal I stument attatched to your human face.

"Hi, welcome to Chili's."

You say with the most sarcastic voice ever. You heard heavy pants through the phone. You springs uo In alert on the couch. This was UnFresh. He normally laughs at whatever fast food chain you pull. He sounded real hurt. Well duh! He was in a fight! You were just running so many different things through your systems right now. Everything; was so jumbled up I side, that's pain was an insignificant speck on top of a mountain of high school anxiety.

"(Your....name).... open... the door...."

Wait. What!? You threw the phone down and sprinted to the front door. Yes, he knew where you lived! He was the only person you actually told. Even PJ didn't know because you always hung out at parties and at his place or with some of his other friends. This place was just you and UnFresh. Oh and Goth and Palette. Just the people you trust.

You threw open the door and saw UnFresh. His clothes were torn and his bones had scratches. He even had deep cuts with some dired blood and dust scattered over him. Around his left eye socket was a large crack and his pupils were shaking wildly with pain and concern. 

"Oh my god UnFresh! Get isnide now! I have to get you cleaned up with all those injuries!"

You ran Of for to the kitchen to get whatever medical supplies your parents kept around here. UnFresh made it to the couch and flipped down, noticing his glasses on the counter nearby. He sighed, finally being able to sit down again. His bones ached for the chance to relax, just like muscles would.

You hurried to get bandages, gauge, antibacterial stuff, and other things. You didn't even care I forgot your nose was broken. All that mattered is that UnFresh got better. But he seemed worried about your crooked face attachment. While you were working on getting his right radius and ulna good as new he asked about it, catching his breath which he didn't have lungs to catch with.

"So... how's your nose?"


One word answers so you can focus. You didn't want to mess up and make it even worse. But UnFresh took this the entirely wrong way and figured the atmosphere to be awkward and serious. He was used to being in quiet and awkward places, but this felt wrong to him.

After a long half hour of cleaning him as good as new he was all patched up. You smiled and stood up from his ankle, which had a really bad crack on it. You took a step back to make sure he's alright. You sigh in relief. UnFresh noticed you were done and tried to stand up. Oh bones, why don't you want to move anymore? He just collapsed back down. 

"UnFresh! Don't do that! Here, let me get you your glasses back..."

You maneuvered around your home to get his glasses and a nice cold drink of water for him. You came back and dropped off the items, moving further down the couch to grab a blanket. As UnFresh gulped down the water you placed a blanket on him. He finished his water at the perfect time so you took it and pressed his glasses up to his face, since they were a little loose. You went back to the kitchen to put the glass on the counter for later when you hear David him chuckle. You snickered.

"What's that for?"

You turned your head and read his glasses. Cute. Oh of course. You smiled to yourself blushing. You finished your task as you heard his answer.

"You act like my wife. My crooked nose wife."

"Hey! I have a doctor's appointment scheduled tomorrow to get it looked at! Do you want me to get you settled too?"

You heard him sigh and stretch. A few of his bones popped. You already were heading to your mother's Front office desk to get whatever you needed to do done. Let's see... he had the same doctor as you, right?

"Sure thing, toots. And don't forget you need to take it easy too, okay?"


You called back from the front office. After calling in to add another appointment at the same time you write it down in your mother's calendar so she knows you're skipping school tomorrow with UnFresh. You also give her a sticky note saying he's spending the night. Goth and Palette leave clothes back here. He can use those. If not, he can borrow some of your Dad's crap. 

You finish everything and plop onto the couch next to UnFresh. He is watching some horror movie you don't know. His glasses read epic. He must be engulfed in it already, huh? You don't get spooked easy so this would be nice. You cuddled against him a little, careful not to hurting either of yourselves.

UnFresh noticed the kawaii little high school human nuzzling against him and smiled. His glasses changed to a minute of messages. One on each lens. Cute and Mine. He beat PJ into a pulp, making him scream uncle. Nobody expected it. He gave you up. You were his.


Is that a good Enough ending? If it's not I will have to make this a book! XD! Seriously though, I hope you enjoyed this!


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