Tutor [NaJ_Goth x Reader]

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Request by Ivythesnowleopard so let's skip past the pleasantries and get started, shall we?

"So if I have the equation 2x squared plus 3x minus 27 equals 3x plus two I have to get thst three x and two to the other side before I can do anything?"

You ask, hopeful. You were struggling with math, like the stereotypical student you were. Lucky you, you had a really smart friend who was always in the library! Thanks Goth for existing and having free time!

"Yes, so if we bring that equation to the other side we do the opposite. So we subtract 3x and 2 from the equation we already have. And that gives us...."

He trails off, hoping for you to finish the equation. You had to think. Yeah, you were a sophomore just like him. Yes, you failed Algebra One the first time. But that's not your fault! You did Band! You didn't need math. Plus you didn't know Goth, Palette, or Fresh Yet. You were still alone and depressed!

"2x squared minus twenty five?"

You watched him shake his head. Damnit. What did you do wrong this time? You watch him bring his finger over the paper, tracing over what you wrote down yourself. Silly mistakes would be the death of you.

"We subtract twenty seven in the equation, right? So that makes it a negitive number. To get the positive two on the other side of the equals sign we subtract it. Neither of these numbers have a variable with them, so we combine it. Negitive twenty seven minus two is....."

Oh! You were Thinking positive twenty seven minus two! If you subtract from a Negitive number, it just gets bigger. It keeps going back in the number line. So it should be basically twenty seven plus two and add a Negitive sign in front of it, right?

"Negitive Twenty nine! Minus twenty nine!"

Goth nodded and smiled, placing his hand on your head. You beamed at him. He even ruffled your hair a bit with his smile. He looked proud. Well, he should be. Two weeks ago you thought a 'Quadratic' had something to do with Quadrilaterals. Now you were able to manipulate equations and fine key attributes with just a few words of guidance!

"Good. Now look back at what the question wants us to find."

He taps the paper lightly so your attention directs towards it. You groan, still and because you weren't done with an entire math packet. Oh, did I also mention that finals are in two months? You still need to review exponential, linear, and quadratic functions and manipulating those. Also lots of graphing, sequencing, and word problems. It was going to be a long few months.

Looking back at the question. You realized thst highlighting a few of those key phrases was extremely helpful. Normally you'd just go and solve for the zeroes. But this question isn't asking about the zeroes. This question was asking what the transformation from the parent function was.

"Oh! It wants the transformation."

Goth nodded, then he took out a reference chart you had. You loved reference charts. You didn't have to memorize the equations as long as you had one! Plus, Goth even modified one for you so you could have more math on it! Of course, it was only equations and no cheating.

"Yes. So we have 2x squared minutes twenty nine. The parent function is f of x is x squared. Our equation to find the transformation is af(b(x-c))+d. What values do we have?"

You looked at the equation. You think of something Gothy taught you. You wrote both equations side by side and then substitute the numbers you have. Well, if you out y or f of x in front of your equation it makes sense, so it isn't an a value. You definitely are adding something at the end so you have a D value. You also have a coefficient for x, so you have a b value. You write this down and circle it, looking back up at the smart Skelton for approval.

"Good. Now, explain the transformation."

Hmm. The B value changes the stretch and compress. It's also horizontal. The b value is greater than one so is it... a horizontal compress? And the d value is Negitive, so that definitely goes down on the graph. You write this down and look up at goth again, who is smiling a wide skeleton grin.

"Perfect! You solved a quadratic transformation!"

Wait. WHAT!? You were TERRIBLE at wuadrwtic transformations! They were so confusing! All these rules and variables for different values... how the heck didn't you do that!? Let alone having to manipulate the equation first. You had a larger, dopey grin.

"I did it!"

You squealed and hugged goth, making him fall back in his chair. You brought your own chair down with you making you a sandwich. The librarian shushed you and you giggled quietly, not taking in the fact that Goth having a fanboy crisis.

"Heh, good job. Only twenty more questions to go."

How was this? I just wanted to get in a math mood considering I'm going to start studying up on physics. I'm way early to start reading up on it but might as well learn so I retain the knowledge.


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