The One [DanceTale!Sans x Reader]

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Woo hoo! My day was awful until I got home and saw a request for our little dancer boi with one of my favorite prompts, soulmates! Don't forget to thank Ivythesnowleopard for the request! Are you ready? It's STORYTIME! (Heh, nobody noticed that last time. Maybe someone will get the Undertale (the musical) reference.)

You had nothing but the backpack on your back full of clothes and other thing  you may need. You ran away from home because your parents wanted you to be an elegant, prissy little ballerina when all you really wanted was to do your own thing. 

It made your soul happy to do what you loved, to dance to what you liked to dance to, and To make your own moves. Everyone else in this world got to follow their souls, so why don't you follow their lead? And what Better place to start in that's Snowdin?

You made it to town. Well, just outside of town. You looked to your left after hearing a feint beat, similar to one song you knew very well. You followed your ears, letting your soul lead the way. In the center of a ring of trees you couldn't believe what you saw.

Sans was prwcticing his dancing, showing his younger brother his progress and how it takes a long time to perfect your own style. Every monster had their own style. Everyone had their own personality; their own soul to convert into their expression by dance. Papyrus still was struggling on finding himself in his Latin dancing. 

"Paps, I can't help you with the Tango Mumbo Jumbo, but I can tell ya that ya can't be ashamed of your dance. Your soul, no, you like to dance one way so you stick with it. If someone don't like it, it's their fault."

You couldn't help but smile at the skeleton's words. You hid behind a tree to watch them. The tall skeleton was apparently 'Paps' and you didn't know the smaller one, but he made your soul brighten up in color.

Sans felt the strange sensation of being watched go done his spine. He normally was used to it, but his soul was glowing a bit this time. He took that as a bad sign and turned around. His eyescokets caught onto the most beautiful monster in the underground.

Papyrus noticed the intense eye contact between his brother and this stranger. Papyrus had to admit, she was pretty. Their souls were glowing. Papyrus stood up and off the log, smiling to himself. He experienced this the first day he was in Mettaton's presence. He'd let everything play out on its own. Maybe he can just ask Mettaton for advice while his brother was getting busy learning more about 'mystery girl'

Sans was the first to speak, taking a step towards you and awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. His hoodie slightly dropped off his skull showinf off his rounder facial shape. His converse were one millimeter in the snow.

"Heya, I'm Sans. Sans the skeleton."

You gave him a small, dainty wave. Wow, reeeeeeeeal smooth. You take a step towards him, revealing yourself in a less than warm garb. Your home was hotland after all. Well, it used to be. Oh well. 

"Heya, I'm (Your name). (Your name) the... Whatever the heck I am."

Sans snickered. Then he took careful notice of how your arms were bare and covered in goosebumps. He also noticed the gleam of dark blue radiating off of your soul. Because dark blue was the ballerina fallen child. Come on I'm trying for references!

"Well, whatever the heck ya are, do you wanna borrow my hoodie?"

What the actual asgore was he saying!? Sans never in the history of forever let anyone borrow his hoodie, not even Paps! So why was he offering this stranger this hoodie just because they were stupid enough to wear a tank top in Snowdin?! Gah, they were lucky they were cute.

"Yes please."

Sans sighed, unzipping his hoodie and putting it on your shoulders. You didn't know why, but your soul gleamed. It was proabbaly spazzing out. Heat season wasn't too far long ago anyways. You ignored it.

Tem skip because we are sponsored by Temmie flakes, part of a balanced Bekfast.

When you woke up, cuddled up to a blue hoodie on the couch of some unfamiliar house, you saw your soul shining bright. It was, what, one in the morning? You were groggy, but you could see your soul going ballistic.

Suddenly, a blue shot of light literally shot out of it like a string and coiled up the stairs and through one of the doors. Then a light bluish gray one shot out of the door and connected to your soul, gleaming its own color.

You blinked for a second, processing what the actual heck just happened. You looked at the hoodie you were cuddled up into. Then you thought of the color of that cute skeleton's pupil. Realization clicked.

You saw sans stumble out of his room, heaving his nonexistant lungs to their limit. He looked down at you, in disbelief about the double strings that are now forging into one and mixing colors like acrylic paint.


You manage to mutter out. Sans breathed, swear dripping down his skull. He nodded. You smiled, sitting up on the couch. You were still hugging the hoodie. That explains your soul gleaming the other day.

"Can... Can we dance in the morning?"

Seriosuly, sans, that was the question you ask!? Nothing romantic? Wow. Sans thought he was so pathetic until he saw you smile, your soul jumping for joy. It made his soul pulse out more color and a smile spread over his jaw.

"That would be enough."

And a Hamilton reference to end it off because the requestor likes Hamilton. Now, I have another request real quick so I can't wait to rock and roll!


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