Unrequited Love [Papyrus x Reader]

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One line in thst song just melted my heart. Guess which one killed me. In a good way.

I also realized I don't put Paps's words in call caps like last do. Eh, just pretend it is and sorry.

You were walking with Papyrus around Snowdin. You were small, smaller than Sans. He had to reach down to hold your hand, and that was so he didn't lose you in the snow. You also had a tendency to wander off in curiosity.

"So, human, where would you like to go?"

You went on that first date with Papyrus and it was really awkward, but a funny kind of awkward you enjoyed. You stayed best friends, but you grew an actual crush on Paps after a while. That was a bad thing.

"Let's See, we've been everywhere and Grillby's is too greasy... why don't we just walk around?"

You introduced a made up concept called platonic dates to satisfy your crush. Others call it hanging out, but it was too much like a date to not be called one. You were probably the only person who called your little outings with Paps a platonic date.

"Wonderful idea, human!"

Just a leisurely stroll around Snowdin. It was a pretty day. Not many monsters were out because of the cold. The snow was piling up at your feet. You were having a hard time walking after a while. Paps noticed and picked you up and placed you on his shoulders.

"Wowie, that's a lot of snow. Come, back to my house human!"

You were a blushing beacon. He couldn't see you, sitting on his shoulders and hugging his skull like that. You leaned against him. For a man made of bones he was surprisingly warm.

You made it back to his house after a while. He had to crouch through the door so you wouldn't hit the frame. He was very considerate of you. It was another thing you loved about Paps.

"We're here! What now, human? Want some pasta?"

You helped teach Papyrus how to correctly make spegetti and taught him the wonders of ravioli, tortellini, macaroni, linguini, and other kinds of pasta. He was grateful. You just nod and he beams, walking into the kitchen. You knew better than to try and help him now, he will think that his cooking isn't sufficient on its own anymore.

So you sat on the couch. That's when Sans walked into the room, boney hands stuffed in his pockets.

"So, how are ya dealing with that small crush of yours?"

You flinched very hard and stsred Into the eye sockets of Papyrus's older brother. Your face flushed red, very red. 

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

You cross your arms and look the other way. Sans chuckles and flops on the couch next to you. The television was off so the only noise in the house was Paps making a pasta. Who knows what kind he's up for today, maybe a mix.

"Come on, everybody knows you have a crush on him. You're more obvious than Alphys with Undyne."

You rolled your eyes and couldn't help the smile playing at your lips. You looked down at your feet, you were swigning lightly like a schoolgirl admitting her crush to her circle of friends.

"Wow, I'm that obvious?"

You looked up at sans. His eye sockets were directed up at the ceiling. He sighed out his words.

"Yep. Paps is just a little dense is all. I know he cares about you. A lot. So listen to me..."

Suddenly sans grabbed your color and brought you up To his face. Remember when I said you were smaller than sans? Yeah, when he lifted you up you were on level with him Andy your feet were Dangling. Sans was now standing. One eye socket was an empty void and the other had a glowing blue pupil. You felt like you were going to have a bad time.

"If you so much as hurt him in any way your soul will be crushed by my hand. And there will be no resetting. Got it kid?"

You shook and nodded hastily. He dropped you to the floor and flipped back lazily on the couch, turning back to normal. You thought about what he said. Paps cared about you? Probably just a friend way, like you knew. You sat back on the couch hastily once you heard his footsteps.

"Human! Sans! I made dinner! Let's eat! Nyeh heh heh!"

He did his signature laugh, which you also loved about him. You sighed to yourself and followed the skelebros Into then dining room. 

You had an unrequited love for the great papyrus, future captain of the royal guard and the most innocent monster in the underground. There was no way he'd love you. But for now, at least, this was enough.

How was this? Cute?


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