Dating NaJ_Goth would Include

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Request by oh_my_jish_and_tyjo. Whelp. Here ya go.

-Hanging out in the Library

-Being dorks over the small things 

-Hanging out with Palette and Cray



-Subtle Disney references

-Fangirls trying to cling onto him but you have to fend them off with a frying pan as if it was the zombie Apocolypse

-Goth tutoring you because you're helpless in math

And science

And history

And everything else involving school

-Lots of hugs for when he feels insecure

-Stealing his scarf and wearing it only to be caught by goth and forced to return it.

-Dates to museums, libraries, book stores, and The ice cream parlor on the corner of foty Forst street and Hamilton avenue

-Fluffy forehead kisses

-Hugs from behind

-Being horny together because your period and his heat line up

-Lots of inside jokes that palette doesn't get and he gets mad about.

-Lots of what ifs

-Lots of thinking about the future

-Dealing with Goth anting lots of kids because he read books about those big impossible families  that have many wacky adventures together. (IN THE LOUD HOUSE IN THE LOUD HOUSE)

And giving him those lots of kids.

This was worse than the other one, I'm sorry.


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