Can a Broken Soul Ever Repair? [AfterSwap!Papyrus x Child!Reader]

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I saw an image and went OMG I have to write this. So here we go.

Papyrus wondered the savescreen, all alone. He wore the scarf of his beloved brother aprind his neck, forever mourning his death in this permenant limbo. He sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets. What else could he do but think about where he went wrong? Or where she went wrong.

With that, behind him an opening from seemingly outside the savescreen opened. He turned on his feet, looking back at the white gap in the darkness. There stood someone who looked A lot like sans, but more artsy, standing next to some human. 

The human was holding their soul in their hands. It was glowing bright Greene with the kindness radiating off of themselves. Papyrus was cofnused. Why was Ink here? Why did he bring some sort of human? ...Could he bring Sans back to him?

"Papyrus. You wanted some company, right? I created them."

The human had a resembelance to Chara, clothing wise. But they looked different than Chara. Their hair and eyes were different. The human looked at papyrus. Their green soul gave off a faint glow.

Ink smiled and pushed the human forward. She still had ink dripping from their hair. They must have just been made. Paps was hesrtwarmed by this gesture, really he was, he just wanted Sans back and didn't want tot have to deal with humans anymore. Not after genocide.

The human stood before Papyrus. Their smile was gentle, just like Chara used to have before taking the genocide run. She was so perfect, so pacifist, Why did she have to destroy UnderSwap's happy ending?

"Hewwo Papawus."

Papyrus chuckled, looking up at Ink. Ink just shrugged.

"I kinda rushed."

That explained it. He looked at the kid. They were at most half his height. It was kinda adorable. But it still reminded him of that awful Frisk and Chara... genocidal chara... no. He won't cry. He won't let his stupid memories get in the way.

"Nice to mweet woo."

Papyrus reached down and ruffled the kid's hair. The kid giggled at this action. Papyrus's soul shine a little, seeing their green soul beam. Ink smiled, taking his leave through the gaping hole in the save screen. He repaired it after he exited this universe.

"So, kiddo, tell me about now yourself. It's all we can do here."

The kid looked up at papyrus, confused. Right, they were just made. They probably don't know everything yet. Just like Ink said, they were a rushed creation made with a flash of inspristion. Very basic.

"Well, I wike to be tawl."

Like to be tall? But the kid was very short- oh. Ink you sly dog. Ink knew that sans used to ride on his shoulders all the time. Ink tried to recreate that without recreating a new Sans. That would probably disturb actual Swap Sans and disturb the code of this universe or whatever.

"Okay kid, arms up."

Papyrus sighed out the words. Stars filled your eyes, literally. Huh, nice touch inky boi. Papyrus bent down and placed his hands under your amrs, lifting you up and placing younon his shoulders. Your tiny legs wrapped aleund his neck and your arms wrapped around his skull. He heard you giggle playfully.

"Go! Go!"

You giggled out. Palyrus smiled. He started walking around, going faster when you demanded as hard to admit, btunthis was kind of fun. It was the perfect balance of remembering/replacing Sans and having someone new.

Papyrus, for the first time in a long while, was happy.

How was this? Nobody read the last one and it was a depressing papyrus fic so I wondered if it was the AU or the character. Plus paps needs more love.


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