It's Too Quiet... [Grillby x Wife!Reader]

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A surprising request from NdragonEyes. I never really expected that but if she wants it She gets it! So sit down, buckle the FUCK up, and here we go! (KubzScouts is awesome. Gotta luv Jay)  

You were sitting at the bar. Grillby's was long closed for the day, but you didn't leave. You were here, acting on Grillby himself to finish cleaning up so you both can go home and have a quiet evening, like every other day.

Life was quiet with your beloved husband, Grillby. Income was steady and high, allowing you both to live a nice life of as much luxury as comfortably possible in the underground. Nit life was quiet. Not that you didn't mind! It's just a little bit of excitement every now and then would be nice.

While you were zoning out, your hot headed (puns for days) husband walked in front of you from the other side of the counter. The silent man decided to tease you a little bit. He took one of his glass cleaning towels and gently placed into over your face. You didn't flinch at nd notice until st least five moments later.

"Gah! Honeyyyyyyyy!"

Grillby laughed as much as a mouthless flame could. He loved his adorable wife, even when she whined at him. Her pouty face was cute. Her smile was cute. Everything about his wife was cute. He couldn't get enough time with her. If he could spend every day a time home with her, just them, he would. But someone needed to earn a living, so he worked Grillby's.

You started laughing. You never could get over the fact that a flame could blush. You have literally seen it all. You've seen the weakest member of the underground anialate the strongest monster in the underground, and you've seen a flame blush.

Grillby noticed your giggles slowly trail off. That was odd. Something must be going on in the top beautiful mind that kept him on a magic mystery ride. Your head must be spinning, no kidding. But he would make it alright. That reference tho. XD

Grillby took your hand in his own, careful not to burn you. You look into his glasses, since his eyes are technically nonvisable. He could convey emotions, even without facial expression. This was obviously his concern.

"Oh, nothing."

Grillby knew this as a lie. He rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand, begging you to tell him whatever was wrong. He would try everything in what's little power he had in this universe to fix whatever was bugging you. He watched you sigh in defeat.

"It's just... isn't this a little quiet? I know you like the quiet life, but maybe we could do something to make it a little more... lively?"

Grillby cocked his fireball he had for a head. This was his way of showing confusion. He obviously didn't know what you were hinting at. You were sure you knew what you wanted. You inhaled deeply before getting to the point.

"Grillby, I want a child."

BOOM!!! SHORT ONESHOT WITH A CLIFFHANGER!!! XD. Sorry, I know I'm evil. I know this is super short. But I kinda liked it. I may add more later or make a part two if requested.


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