Take Care of Them [W.D Gaster x Reader]

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I have no requests and I have little ideas. So much for a two thousand reads extravaganza, amirite? Oh well. Let's try this on for size.

You listen to the music box with a smile on your face. You lived with your favorite Skelton brothers in Snowdin, who somehow recovered after the deaths of Asogre and the lady behind the the door. But yet, only those two died.

A perfectly Nuetral run.

Back to our plot, you went inside the laboratory beside the house. The real facility hidden in a trapdoor inside a cabinet. This music box and other remnants of what you'd assume to be the brother's parents.

The music box played a simple yet charming tune. It seemed to be some sort of lullaby. It made you smile while reading some of the log entered and scientific documents scattered in the room that seemed untouched for several years.

Some entries were on research about DETERMINATION, SOULS, and timelines. Others were basic diary entries and some concerns of this man. Yes, you found a document saying this was in fact a man, but nothing confirming his name. You felt as if you were in a breakthrough, trying to find this man's name.

You see a document hidden under many chemicals, a book, and an old dusty lab coat. Not dust, as in monster course. It was cullative dust that accumulates in unkept and messy areas. Like Sans's bedroom. You look at the document's neat and tidy handwriting in the candlelight, since no electricity seemed to work in this laboratory. Odd, for a scientific room.

The experimentations have been complete. I have found a way to resurrect a fallen monsters, but only if you have three things: DETERMINATION, the dust of the fallen monster, and a vessel body.

The vessel body is where the fallen monster's soul will go into to basically Be Alive again. A sort of Frankenstein affect. The body doesn't have to be real, it can be artificially made or even a robot body. Sort of like possession but they have their systems and bodily functions intact. Organs or means of living must be present. The dust of the fallen monster is the reminants of the monster's soul after they die, so with DETERMINATION it can piece back together and find a vessel body to reserect itself. 

With these elements, I can finally bring her back into the world. I don't care what it takes. Sans needs her. Papyrus needs her. I need her. I will do whatever it takes to bring (your name) (last name) back into this world.

You stop reading, taking a moment to process what you read. First of all, there is a way to bring monsters back from the dead. It seemed tedious and not worth it, but st the same time useful for in case someone important, like Asgore, dies.

Secondly, your name was written on the paper, along with Paps and Sans. This confirmed your theory about the man having some relation, possibly family relation, to both sans and papyrus. But what ties do you have with this man?

You flip to the back of the page. How did you not notice the paper clipped photo? You take it into your hands and gasp. It was a picture of what you looked like! Well  what you looked like in your dreams. When you dreamed, you didn't exactly have the same body. You'd picture yourself looking something like this. Next to you was a reoccurring man in your dreams.

But in your dreams, he would appear as the man who speaks in hands. He would be broken, or in better and ironic terms: glitched out. He couldn't speak straight and he clearly was trying to communicate with you.

At the bottom of the photo it said Gaster and (nickname) for all eternity. Gaster. His name was Gaster! Memories flooded back into your head, aiding a pain surge through your systems. Gaster. Gaster. W.D Gaster. 

W.D Gaster, the love of your life and your husband. The father of your two kids. After an experiment with DETERMINATION to make sure your resurrection would succeed he sacrificed his own form and ability to stay in this demension to bring you back, despite the fact your body was a lot less mature than your actual age, to take care of your kids once more. 

You fell to the ground in your knees, clutching the onto and crying. What you didn't know is that Gaster was watching, and his heart ached just as much as yours did.

If you cried, please raise your hand.


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