PTSD [OuterTale!Papyrus x Reader]

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Because Luna is near princess. No, I am not a pegasister, some of the fan works are actually pretty good. Like Lullaby for a Princess.

You were a girl native to Stardin, so you knew of the Great Papyrus And his brother Sans. You loved life in Stardin and you loved your neighbors more. But recently, troubles involving a certain human from a different part of the universe was bringing... 


The human spared no one it meets. Well, everyone except Papyrus. Stardin was empty excluding you, Paps, and Sans. Sans was being awfully protective of you both as if you were dying stars threateningly to explode.

Papyrus has started getting terrible nightmares and panic attacks, directly contradicting his normal persona. Normally he was happy go lucky and loud. But now he was reserved  tasting death between his own teeth.

Sans was on edge, acting weird and lashing out sometimes. You had to assume he also had terrible nightmares. The only reason you were spared is because you hid when the human was in Stardin, afraid of what exactly a human was. Your cowardice saved your life.

But now, Papyrus was shaking while trying to rest. The close experience of death just by dodging a knife by a mere shaving face hum terrible PTSD. You tried rubbing his skull comfortably or hugging him. Nothing worked.

"(Y-your name)..."

Papyrus had even stopped talking so loud, always scared that the humamnwoild hear him and come back for him. You looked in his eyesockets, seeing orange tears start to flow. He mustn't have been really scared. You hugged him close.

"Shh, Shh... I'm here Pappy. Sans is upstairs, and I am here."

You rocked him a little, back and forth. He was whimpering and taking sharp breaths. Not because he needed air, but because he was scared. His soul was literally quivering inside of his rib cage. Poor baby.

"B-but... Human..."

"Shhh... Shh... no human here..."

Papyrus grew silent for a second. He tried to steady himself to stop shaking, butnhe couldnt. The nightmare was so bad. The Human didn't jsut Come back for him. The human came back and slashed both you and sans into stardust. It was... petrifying.

"...(your name)?"

He broke the comfortable silence. His skull buried in your shoulder and you Sat on your knees to be taller than the cross legged cinnamon roll of a skeleton. You rubbed comforting hands along his spine.


"Sing for me?"

You couldn't but have a smile overcome your lips. Of course Pappy would want you to sing. It would always calm him down at least a little.

"Only if you start us off."

A small 'nyeh' came out of the innocent tol. You chuckled and heard him clear whatever throat he did have. Sure, he had a neck, but didn't he have a throat? Skeleton logic. Fangirls take notes. Papyrus clapped his hands off to start a little beat.

"Every good rhyme starts with once upon a time."

He gave out a few more 'nyeh's and you giggled. Every time he wanted you to sing he would do that, knowing your songs told stories. You tried to think of which ones he liked best. Maybe a small verse from an old tale...

"Lullay Papyrus, Goodnight skeleton. Rest now in (your name's) embrace."

You started to modify the verse, causing papyrus to giggle. This was the happiest you've seen him since the human alsmost slashed him to dust. This was good. You smiled and tried to think of more.

"Bear up my lullaby, winds of Stardin, through the galaxies and every universe."

He nodded, wanting you to keep going. His smile was enough to warm your heart.

"Carry the peace and the coolness of night, and may my sorrows in kind. Pappy you're love's so much more than you know. May troubles be far from your mind... and forgive me for being so blind."

Pappy clapped a bit before making you his teddy bear, sitting in his cross legged bone lap. He snuggled up to you from behind and made you both lay down. Spooning on the couch. He squeezed you.

"Thank you."

You blush and get oddly comfortable.

"I love you too, Pappy."

Neither of you hardly realized how badly you misunderstood eachother there. Oh well. Sans heard it though. Someone is having a bad time later.

Angst with a happy twist. Hope y'all liked it.


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