Sword Fighter [Swapfell!Sans x Reader]

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Sort of a request but I was kinda begging for ideas. So SIColorsOfTheRainbow you are still getting mentioned! And forgive me if this sucks major.

Being a member of the royal guard was hard in this basically Underfell universe. But there was a good thing about living in a constantly killing world. You got the boss, and he was great. Well, at least to you.

During training, it wasbrutal. He'd order everyone around mercilessly. But when you had an idea he'd take it into consideration. With everyone else he'd yell at them about theirmplace, but not you. And the other guards knew it.

They'd give you hell. But screw them you learned to ignore it. Right now, in fact, you were training. You were trying to teach your soul to do thst awesome nine magic that the skeletons do. Yeah, it was monster specific. But if you could teach your regular monster self a magic specific to one kind of monster maybe Sans will see your value and move you up in the ranks. The ranks of what? The guard! Duh! And maybe his nonexistent heart...

So you tried to summon one of the bones again. You concentrated hard. You felt something enter your hand. DAMN IT IT WAS A SWORD!!! You've never summoned a sword before, only a large battleaxe. It was Improvement. It was kind of cool. Heh, a sword. But it wasn't a bone sword. 

"A sword, huh? Impressive for an axe fighter like you."

A voice growled from behind you. You turned and saw the General himself, smirking his skeleton grin. He took a step towards you and you somewhat relaxed. But as you knew, always stay on guard. He had a tendency to start random sparring sessions.

"Do you even know how the hell to use that damn thing?"

You looked at the sword. You moved it around in your hand. It was way nimbler than the large battleaxe. The battleaxe had all its weight in the two large blades at the end. The sword was even weight. Well, way more even than the axe. 

"I guess not. I guess I have to teach ya. Great. There goes my free time for today."

He's using his free time on you?! You had a small blush and he summoned a large bone that's very sharp at the end. His bone sword. You saw this and grew determined. You got in a stance you see normal swordsmen get in before battle.

"So you do know the stance? Good, you aren't entirely useless with a sword. Now, see that dummy? Take a jab at it."

A jab is a light thrust. Right? Who knew. I mean, the swordsmen knew but you didn't. Metaphorical speaking is hard! You lunged at the dummy and stabbed it in the stomach area, twisting the blade before jerking it out of the dummy, leaving an upwards cut above the stab wound. You relaxed a little and looked back to see Sans grinning.

"Well well Well, someone Wants a promotion. You must have been learning from our other sword users. Well too bad, no open spots. Keep training to bough, sweetheart. You're getting better."

With that, he turned and left. You blushed very hard. Sweetheart!? Did he just call you sweetheart!? You looked around and saw a few of the guards staring at you and snickering. Yeah you weren't living that down.

But he called you sweetheart! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I told you this would suck. Oh well. Here it is.


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