Wait Up! [Dream!Sans x Reader]

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I made so many people hate this guy in my ask/dare book... and hate one of the greatest ships in all of UnderVerse. I'm actually proud of myself for that! But Dream doesn't deserve the hate. Let's go with a oneshot for him. It's STORYTIME my dudes.

You hated your life. Everything about it. You hadn't no siblings to help you. You had no father to love you and guide you. All you had was the worst mother in the world. She would beat you up, ship at you, last at you, and then not even care about you afterwards. She told you that you out were a worthless child and she didn't need you. That you were a nuisance that came after a one night stand with some guy she didn't even know. You were a mistake.

So you would sleep. Sleep the pain away and dream a better life. Escape to a world of imagination. Because god forbid you were happy in real life. The only place you can experience anything moderately positive was in your own imagination.

That's precisely what you planned on doing now. After your mother finding your grades slightly going from an A to a B she lashed at you with a leather strap. You were laying down for minutes on end, siting for your consciousness to slip.

Oh, there we go. In an instant you closed our eyes and the world around you faded away. You could imagine a dream world building itself up around you. You saw yourself flash into appropriate clothing and style for wherever your mind would take you this time.

A masquerade ball? Classy. You wore a white gown and a butterfly mask. Other people everywhere, mostly kids too. As if other dreaming girls and boys were scattered in the crowd. But that wasn't impossible, wasn't it?

Out of the crowd you noticed one person not like the others. They wore bright cyan and yellow. They looked... like a skeleton?! Great job imagination! You follow them instantly, picking up your gown. 

Dream brought a lot of depressed kids here so he can spread happiness to all of them at once. Plus, in a shared dream, kids could meet eachother and maybe find eachother in real life. These all were kids from one city after all. That's when he noticed one was following him.

How was he spotted? He was supposed to be unnoticeable by any humans. These humans don't have SOULs like monsters do. At least, not in this universe. So how was he spotted? Either way, he can't let the human get to him.

You see him run away into the crowd. You pout. This dream was turning into a whole 'Alice in Wonderland' ordeal. You wouldn't be surprised if one boy was wearing a Mad Hatter costume by now. You continue to follow the skeleton.

"Excuse me!"

You call out to him, but nothing. He slips outside to the castle garden. You follow him into the night, hoping to speak with this creature. With the way the plot of this dream was going,my, a rabbit hole was inevitable.

Dream couldn't shake off this girl. No matter where he ran she was tagging close behind. Why was this girl so interested in him? She should be socializing and having a fun time in the dream. Why was she following him everywhere?

Oh no, a dead end in the maze. Dream turned around and saw the girl in the white gown standing before him, taking a few huffs of air and smiling at him. She had won their "little game", but she really should be enjoying herself.

"Hello! I'm (Your name). Tell me, what's yours?"

Dream was confused. First, the girl chases Him all through the dream. Next, she backs him to a corner. Then, she uses her manners and tries to be polite? What was this? Dream wasn't sure if she was an actual human from the universe She came from.

"Umm... I'm Dream."

You reached out for his hand. This was how they do it back in the day where balls like this were common, right? You take his hand and smile at him. You use your other hand to take off your mask.

"Dream is a lovely name. Will you join me for a dance?"

The human wanted to dance with him!? That was completely and entirely new. Yet... he wasn't completely against the idea. It will probably make Hern even happier. What did he have to lose? He nodded his skull and smiled.

"Sure! Back to the ballroom!"

With that, he lead you by hand out of the maze and back to the allroom where you would share a waltz.

I always have a canterella oneshot in every book. This oneshot was just overdue. I hope you enjoyed it!


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