You Can't Hide from Death [Yandere!Reaper!Sans x Paranoid!Reader]

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A request by Theflufflorf that is very complicated, but goes with my LOVE for yanderes. Get it. Love. Levels of violence. Yandere. Get it? Okay I'll stop.

Reaper watches you live on. Yet you were so easily in love with anyone showing any kindness towards you. You really were an innocent, delicate flower. Thinking that someone being kind meant they loved you. How could you know wether they were worth your affections? How would you know if they were just using you?

Reaper would know. And he wouldn't let anyone unworthy date you. He would get in the way before they could even get too close to you. Anyone who wasn't him, wasn't worthy. He wanted this mortal for himself. Only himself. 

He would take them away and drag them straight down to hell, where their judgement would be tainted. They all had sudden yet painful deaths caused by him. Some caused by terrible accidents, others just literally ripped out of their bodies And pushed down to hell. But if they made him really mad, he would bring their soul down into the center of their planet and let them melt eternally at the core of the Earth.

So here he was, monitoring a very pretty and popular girl at your school talking to you. She had a somewhat revealing shirt and she looked as if she was flirting. But with all the deaths happening to people close to you, you've been grown to be scared of getting close to anyone else. 

You left her as soon as you could, fearing for her life. You left her standing there, confused. She looked as if she was building up a lot of confidence to try and talk to you and wear soemthing So elaborate. Reaper watched the whole thing.

Seeing you so... isolated. So alone. So sad.. it made him only crave you more. The sadist inside of him was growing along with his love and desire for you. As for then flirty girl. She didn't do too much. Maybe a painless death for her. We still can't have her in the way now can we? Her framing? Well, he can say she killed a kitty cat. Everyone goes ballistic when anything happens to an animal. She won't  get punished too bad but it garunteed her stay in hell.

Reaper showed up in the world. With s touch of his hand from behind the girl fainted. Reaper ripped her soul and took her with him to the underworld, where she would meet her so called "fate". 

You were crying, walking the halls alone. Class had started, but you were fearful. Fearful if you made any friends they would be gone. Gone in a snap like normal. You were going paranoid, going insane. You couldn't go near anyone. 

You wore the hoodie of your recently deceased older sibling and wore the ring that your first crush gave you. People you loved were being ripped out of your life as If Death himself followed you wherever you go. 

You didn't know how true this was.

Reaper got back from doing his dirty work. This was the only kind of work he would do without being told to. He could just tell Papyrus he was reaping those who were ready or someone who wanted it called a "suicidal". Another go to excuse for Mister Grimm Sans.

A thought crossed his mind. He smirked and he clutched his scythe in his hand. If she was reduced to nothing but a soul, he could keep her. He could touch them, talk with them, and make them his. Reaper crossed into ypthe living world again, this time to reap someone who wasn't no being sent to hell.

You hugged yourself and pressed your back against the lockers, dying for all those you lost. You were a death magnet. Anyone who loved you would be dead. Why couldn't you just die in their place? If you dissapeared, maybe there wouldn't be any more tragedy.

That's when he appeared, the Grimm reaper. He extended his hand and grinned down at you. He must have heard you're suicidal thoughts. He must be here to take you away. As if this was a deal to stop killing everybody if he could take your soul.

You take his hand.

Big mistake.

Ooh, cut off ending to a short and terrible oneshot! Well, I think it was good for a yandere fic. I try to make them different than the stereotypical yandere story with capture. With the Grimm reaper being a yandere, I thought I could have fun with this. Did you enjoy?


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