Christmas [Papyrus x Reader]

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The song plays a big part in the end, heads up. Also LISTEN TO THOSE VOICES HOLY FRIG (don't say frig)

The party was going great. Everyone was here. Alphys, Undyne, Mattaton, Monster Kid, Noastablook, Frisk, Chara, Toriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, And everyone else you're too lazy to name. 

Everyone was in Snowdin, all festive and everything. The skelebros were hosting a large Christmas party for every so gle one of their friends. You don't even know how a simple monster like you got on that list.

In current time, it was about ten in the evening. Nobody was drunk, well, except for Undyne. Somebody spiked the eggnog and you hated it in the first place so you were Scott free. Nobody seemed to know it but you, but you think that Eother sans did it as a prank or Undyne did it to be hardcore.

Anywho you were sitting politely on the couch. Everyone had their own social circle to talk to. Everyone but you, oh, and napstablook. But bloody had his own fun with some Christmas music, remixing it in the corner.

That's when you feel a weight on the couch next to you. You turn your head and meet the eye sockets of one of your favorite skeletons. You can't help but feel a smile stretch along your face. 

"Hey Pappy, is something up? You're usually talking to Undyne or someone around now..

Papyrus sighed and took a large swing of eggnog. Oh crap please don't get drunk Paps, you're too innocent and too sweet and to awesome and too great. And now the actual reader knows you have a crush... great.

"It's going great. Except for the fact nobody wants to talk to me or let me have whatever they're drinking. I'm an adult too, right? I'm their friend too, right? Why won't they let me join them..."

He was slouching. A slouching skeleton on the couch. Hopefully the slouching doesn't give him scoliosis. Okay that was the worst pun let's pretend thst never happened. You rested your hand on Pap's shoulder.

"Oh course. What they're doing is something you won't enjoy. Trust. Hey, why don't we get some lareoke going? I'm sure Blooky woudlnt mind giving you a beat."

Paps sniffed. He looked up at you and let his skeleton jaw stretch as far as it could go in a smile. He looked down at his gloved phalanges. His skelleton grin fell, it worried you. 

"But I want to spend time with Sans. I know we're here every day... but it's a special day and I want to spend it with my big brother..."

Your heart, no, your soul literally shattered in your chest. He is the most pure and precious thing in the world and simply must be protected. That's it, where is that sans?!

"I'll be right back."

You hopped off the couch, leaving Papyrus to watch you leave. You stormed over to the circle of your drinking friends. Well, Frisk was drinking apple cider thinking it was acohol because she at least wouldn't pretend to get tipsy to fit in. You grab Sans by the hoodie and pull him back. He stumbles a bit and turns to you.

"What the hell?!"

His cheekbones were flushed blue. Yep, he wasn't already too far gone. You spun him Andy held him by then collar, threateningly growling out an order to the drunken Sans.

"Listen, Papyrus wants you to spend time with him. Christmas is a special holiday that we get once a year. He wants to spend it with the person he loves the absolute most and that's you. Now If you don't no go over there and do something with him I will personally remove your skull from your skelleton and bury the bones. Or worse, let a dog eat them. Or even worse, rearrange you and put you back together the most horrible way possible. Now go."

You drop Sans and he scatters to get over to his brother, sobering in an instant out of fear. Acohol Logic, amirite? You smirk to yourself when you feel a tug at your clothes. You look down at Alphys.

"W-wow. You must r-r-really care about P-P-P-Papyrus to m-make those threats."

You smiled at her, then looked over at Papyrus who was already picking a karaoke song with Sans. It made your soul swell with pride. You looked back down to Alphys. You bent down to her level and smiled at her.

"Between you and me, he's my world."

Alphys blushed and glanced over at Undyne, then she whispered:

"I know that feeling..."

You shared a little brofist before she went back to her beloved Undyne. You went back to sit on the couch politely again. As long as Pap was happy, you didn't care about the awkwardness. Sans walked over, hands in his pockets. You turn to him.

"Yo, (Your name)."


"I approve, make him happy."

He smirked at yor now flushed face. Papyrus excitedly ran up to sans and dragged him away. Together, they began singing all I want for Christmas. And you swore Papyrus was looking st out every time he said something romantic.

I love that version of the song. I don't know why, but it's makes me so happy listening to it. 


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