I Don't Like This [Lust!Grillby x Busty!Reader]

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Requested again by sailorkitty314. I really don't know how to do this one...

"No! Don't touch me!"

You were scared, hugging yourself and trying to get away from these two monsters, a man and a woman, who were trying to rape you. Fifteen minutes after falling and escaping the goat woman and now you were about to be an attempted rape victim again,

"Come on Baby~"

"With boobs like yours you should have some fun~"

You hugged your chest. Why were you cursed with such giant breasts? Everyone down here seemed only interested in a good fuck, so giant boobs weren't  blessing anymore. You tried to back away, but they just kept approaching.

You saw in the corner of your eye a building. Without thinking you turned and ran for it. You opened the door and slammed it behind you, struggling to catch your breath. The two monsters banged on it but gave up after a minute. You sighed in relief and looked up. Your soul sank to your stomach.

A strip club.

Everyone as looking at you with interest, lust, or just annoyance. You were greatful for the annoyed monsters. You went back to your shy demeanor, hugging yourself. You walked up to the bar, maybe to grab a drink or something. Acohol would wake you up from this nightmare, right? You also heard you were an angry drunk and a thousand times stronger and more able to protect yourself when drunk.

"Two shot shot of whiskey please."

The bartender was on fire. He nodded and went to go get your order. You sat there. To your right was nobody and to your left there was a skeleton. He looked you up and down, then he just left. He went to an open pole and just started dancin the night away.

The bartender slides the two shots down and you catch them both, downing them quickly. You sigh in relief afterwards. You were supremely lightweight, so this should act fast. At least, you thought. The bartender started a conversation with you.

"I haven't seen a human like you before."

You rolled your eyes and sighed, slumping down a bit. This guy seemed a hell of a lot nicer than everyone else in this god damn underground. Besides, you needed to get this off your chest. You feel terrible.

"I just fell down not more than an hour ago. Everyone is so obsessed with sex and I see trying to rape me. I don't get why."

The fire man nodded. He went ahead and prepared another shot, knowing you'd most likely like to drink away your problems like a lot of normal monsters around here. Including Sans. That's jow he gets in the mood for pole dancing anyways. He came back with two he shot and set it in front of you.

"It's how things are run down here. Don't take it personal. I'm Grillby."

He held out his hand. You were hesitant to shake it for two reasons. One: this could be the start of him trying to lure you into sex. Two: This man was literally made of fire. How on earth would he not burn you.

"The magic in me is self sustaining. I won't burn you."

Okay never mind. You took his hand and shook it. Luckily nothing bad happened. You smiled weakly at him then downed the next shot. You could feel the whiskey entering your system. That was better.

"Thanks Grillby. I'm (Your name)."

And this was the start of a great friendship, and maybe even more.

I'm lazy.


I'm sorry this was absolute garbage like everything else I write.


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