Art is My Life [Ink!Sans x Reader]

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I don't have much to say. So, uh, enjoy? I know my stories are bad, so apologies in advance.

You sat with your earbuds in your ears. School was a pain. Why were you even here if you had no academic ability. Heck, you had no ability me in your body! You couldn't math, science was way to hard. Reading is boring, writing isn't actual writing. History is useless, band is a false hope for a creeer choice. Choir Is a place for bullied kids (boys ecspecially). The only class that actually mattered to you was, in fact, art.

Art was something you out planned to do with whatever crap life you have. Art allowed you to be free, express yourself, detatch from stereotypes and bullies and home. It allowed you to be... well... you! Who cares if someone thinks your art is bad? YOu like it so why should you care about other criticism!?

So you were in math class, earbuds on full blast, just sketching in your sketchbook. You had your colored pencils tucked in a place in your bag where it was easy yo snatch them when you'd need one. Your sharpie for linesrt was hidden in your hoodie pocket along with an eraser, whiteout, and some special tools for both blending and highlights.

Your math teacher knew by now you didn't give a fuck and that you were gonna fail, so she didn't bother correcting you. Everyone who actually managed to learn your name also knew that you were only in school because your parents forced you to go.

That's when something crazy happened. You were drawing some very extraordinary landscape piece when your sharpie suddenly just gave out. Ink splattered over the whole thing. You cursed aloud, interrupting the lesson. Wow you never talked during class. You were too busy doing art stuff.

The ink grew off the table and formed into a shilouette of a small person. A, let's say fifth grader sized person just standing on your desk made intirely out of sharpie ink. Phones were out and recording, the teacher had her mouth agape, and most of the class probably though they either had too much weed or achohol the night before.

Colors filled the shilouette. It was revealed that he, not that we're assuming genders here (tumblr folks don't kill me), was a skeleton. A skeleton looking a lot like Sans from UnderTale woth a large paintbrush and a More than interesting outfit mainly monochromatic brown but with some hints of light blue scattered about. In one eye socket the skeleton had a blue eye and the other a golden star. Why skeletons had pupils in their eye sockets? Don't ask me. Screw logic! You're failing science anyway!

He looked down at you. You hardly realized that all the ink, including the intentional lines, was gone out of the paper. Whatever. The frickin skeleton on top of your desk was far more interesting. 

"Are you (your name)(last name)?"

Woah, his voice was a lot different than you'd expect it to be. It was like a child's, but full of responsibility. Like a mature seventh grader. And by mature I mean acts mature not looks mature. 

"Uh, yeah?"

How a skeleton is able to move their jaw like a mouth, you had no clue. Seriosuly this dude defies all logic and nobody in the class says a word. You could drop your sharpie right now and you swore everyone in the goddamn school would hear it.

"You're an artist, right?"

You pulled your sketchbook out from under his feet and flipped the page to a random one. Lucky art piece of the day was an acrylic mermaid in the ocean, saving a drowning prince. Yes it was based of the little mermaid, but it wasn't Ariel and Eric. It was better.

"What do ya think, Sherlock Bones?"

Sarcastic puns are always the best puns. Luckily for you he chcukled and stepped off your desk. You hardly noticed your song stop playing. He showed a piece of art he had. Woah, it looked like you sitting in class. Black hoodie and all.

"You want to leave this universe, right? You don't like your life?"

You chcukled in a very deep voice. Deep for you anyhow. You look in his eye sockets and with the smugest face ever you say:

"Art is my life."

He smiled. Ink skeleton smiled. He stuck out his bony hand. You could count the phalanges five. Why you said that you have no clue.

"Well, Im ink. I'm here to take you away. I've been watching you, I believe there is an AU you'd much prefer."

You raised an eyebrow. AU? Like in fandoms? You were all for fanart and fanfiction (that wasn't erotic) but this dude says that AUs are real? Well, he's a fricking talking skeleton. He looked like he came straight from UnderTale. 

Wait a second. His name is ink, he looks like sans, he isn't literally wearing the same costume... oh my god. You're such a fucking idiot. You flip your sketchbook to a certain page and show it to him.

"You're ink? As in, Ink Sans? Protector of the UnderVerse, creator of dimensions, and literally the best artist in all time?"

He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. He had a rainbow blush out of modest on his skull. Wow the fandom actually got it pretty spot on. That or you're hallucinating and you're just UnderTale trash. 

"Uh, Yeah. I guess that's me. Do we have a deal or not?"

He stuck out his hand again. Without further hesitation, you grabbed it. You were teleported out of there and Into a void. Another skeleton that looked like ink, another version of sans, floated towards him out of the tornado of sketches.

"Ink! What were you thinking! A human from the Modern Universe here?! What if Error finds out!"

Okay that's dream sans. You could recognize him because an internet friend claimed him as her husbando. You chuckled. You still don't get how you didn't know Ink from the second you saw him. Shock? Yeah.

"Relax, Dream, I'm just placing her in a Universe that was going to be made just before the Truce."

Dream looked over at the paper, now floating towards them. You looked at it. Such pastel colors. It looked gorgeous. You took the paper Into your hands. There was a title on the top in Bright colors. 


"But Ink! That was going to be the rebirth of-"

"Don't worry, Dream. Error won't find out, and I am fine."

Inktale was Ink's original universe, wasn't it? And it was destroyed somehow? You didn't know. You didn't get that far into the magical wonders of Wiki. You looked at the skeletons.

"You want me to live in this universe, right?"

Ink smiled at you, but Dream was still worried.


You looked a tiny the pretty pastel universe. Nobody was in it yet, that was for certain. If it was the rebirth of Ink's home, then why not? I mean, it looked like a pretty artsy place. Art was your life. You smiled up at the skeletons.

"Sign me up."

How was this? I had the idea and rolled with it.


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