When You're Angry and Choose All Your Battles [NaJ_Fresh!Sans x Reader]

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I had a dream with this happening to me so here is a oneshot about it! The title is a pun(ish.) you know, pick and choose your battles. Get it?

You were walking down the hall, trying to get to your next class, when you saw a circle of people. You were curious, so you try to push your way through. Either the jocks were putting on a show or a fight was about to happen. 

Unfortunately, it was one of the latter.

Undyne had Fresh in her grip. His collar twisted in her fist and her other fist already launching towards his face. Fresh was crying in pain. He was clearly hit many times already. You gasp to yourself. How can people like to watch this!? And what did Fresh do to deserve this?!

You push through th crowd and get to the center, getting in view of the several phones recording the fight. How a teacher wasn't here already? You had no clue. You try to get in between them and push Fresh down. Undyne glares at you and Fresh whimpers, hididng behind you, just a smidge.

"Hey! Can we just calm down? What happened?"

Undyne scowled at you and picked you up by the collar this time. She snarled in your face. Fresh gasped and froze. He didn't want more pain but you just saved him! What will he do? What will he do?!

"Well, squirt. Wouldn't you like to know? Since you wanted to take his place so badly I wouldn't mind!"

She launched her fist at you. She struck you hard and the slapping sound echoed through the hall. Fresh's pupils went wild in fear. He cringed to himself. He couldn't move. He was too scared to move.

Undyne made the first swing. That gave you full rights to recoil and you could say you were protecting both yourself and Fresh, since she clearly started both fights. In simplier terms: You now my have the rights to fight back and find a way not to get in trouble.

"Big Mistake."

You launch your leg into her stomach, making her cough hard and drop you. While she was recovering from the blow you swiftly slide around the taller girl and jump, bringing her into a headlock and forcing her down. You squeeze at her neck hard, almost suffocating her.

You hold the headlock for thirty seconds. She is gagging and tapping out. She is trying to say something along the lines of 'uncle'. That means have mercy, right? You didn't want to kil her anyway. You don't want a body count. You drop Undyne.

Undyne is gasping for air. You turn to Fresh, who was just watching in horror and a little bit of admiration. You were fighting for him. It was really nice to have someone on his side. You walked over to him, placing your hands on his shoulders.

"Hey, you okay?"

He nodded.


That's when Undyne stood up and grabbed you by the back of your shirt and lifted you up like a suicidal in a noose. Yes, a dark simile. I had no other ideas okay? Undyne whipped you around to face her angry scowl.

"This isn't over, punk!"

She punched you in the stomach multiple times. It did hurt, and she lodged her fists pretty deep with each stroke. You try to cringe or lift your legs up to block the attack but it doesn't work. You get frustrated and try kicking back. You land a good one to her knee and she's drops you again.

You try to get in a ready stance to protect yourself when a whistle blows. Everyone scrambles except you, Fresh, And Undyne. You all look over to see Coach Error blowing his whistle and trying to break the fight. It took him a little long. That's when you realize Fresh has a blood your nose and you and Undyne were both covered in bruises.

"What's going on!?"

Coach bellowed. He saw the damamge done and points towards another part of the school.

"Front Office, Now!"

Fresh bowed his head. You walk over to him and place a comforting arm around him. Undyne glares at you both and marches off. Error was about to yell at you both u til you started talking to eachother.

"Hey, Fresh. It's okay. Are you alright?"

Fresh sniffed.

"Yeah. It hurts though, thanks for saving me..."

"No problem, Freshie. As long as you're safe I'm good. Now, let's try to not get detention."


Error watched you and the little skeleton walk towards the principal's office. Error recoiled a bit, piecing together a little bit of the situation. He had a newfound respect for you as both a student and an equal.

How was that? Terrible I know.


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