Just PaperJam Part Two [Master!PJ x Shy!Reader x Nerd!PaperJam] LEMON

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My first lemon. Okay. This is new to me so if I get this wrong... I'm so very sorry. SO I'm gonna put some warnings... oh! And this was requested by HeroofDreamland Heh heh... I also had to make the Reader female because you have to have a pronounced gender to make a lemon...


You and Fresh were forced over to PJ's house as basically his homework slaves. He wouldn't let you out to go to school, keeping you both at his house and locked in for his amusement and his own personal benifits. 

Sometimes, he would take either of yiu randomly and sinfully kiss you, full of lust. Or he would grab either of you in places you'd refer not to. He even went to the extent of making you both kiss and do somewhat sexual activities to eachtoher as a replacement of porn.

Right now, you and Fresh were laboring away under his will. Some sort of during break project. You believed it was summer, but Fresh believed it was spring break. But you both agreed on one thing. You'd all be seniors by now. You've been locked away so long, fake suicides conveyed to your families.

But that also meant PJ was home and with you both more often. And with his senioritis, he had a side effect of being very... lusty. Both you and Fresh were scared that soon He wouldn't be satisfied with just a simple kiss and he'd rape either one of you.

"F-Freshie... I'm scared..."

You tremble as you stutter out the words to him. You were growing more and more terrified of your quote unquote Master. PaperJam was getting scary. Very very scary. He'd look at you with so much lust filled hunger, you were almost convinced he was the defendant of the deadly sin himself.

"I-I know..."

That's when the door opened. PJ stood there with a smirk. He snapped his fingers for both you and Fresh's attention. You stiffened and stood straight up. Fresh mimicked this action. He had an abnormally lust filled expression on his face. 

"Sex. Now."

You flushed very bright red. Fresh sterted an exaggerated coughing fit in his nervousness, a cute quirk of his You hardly wanted to take notice of now. He didn't say 'kiss'. He didn't say 'make out'. He didn't say 'grind'. No. He wanted you both to have actual sex this time. 

PJ was growing quite impatient. He particularly had a bad day having his "girlfriend"breaking up with him so he needed something to help him release the pressure. And he had a lot of pressure. He needed basically a porn video to jack off to. A full blown porn video.

"I said NOW nerds!"

You whimpered to yourself, looking over at the flushed Fresh. He was just as embarrassed as you. This was a lot like what happened when he forced you to do stuff like grinding and teasing eachtoher. But... this was the real deal. You couldn't! But PJ would kill you, like he killed your friends....

Fresh Inhaled deeply. There was no way shy little you could dominate. He had to be a big boy and take you over himself. But... he wasn't sure he could. Sure, he actually wanted to do this. But only when the time was right and you had consent. Right now a vicious monster was watching with green perverted eyes, sitting in a chair and holding his own dick ready to madterbate when you both got heated. This wasn't what he wanted, but he had to take control.

You shook and cried softly. There was no way out of this. Well, the one good thing is that it is Fresh and you know he'll go easy on you... right? PJ wouldn't hesitate to kill both of you if you disobeyed, even if he quote unquote loved you.

"I'm sorry (nickname)..."

Fresh whispered before pressing his teeth softly against yours. Yeah, he wouldn't hurt you. This is sweet, kind, nerdy Fresh you're talking about here. If you could trust anyone in the entire world, it was Fresh. Even if he had to basically steal your virginity on the account of someone masterbsting to you.

PJ was growling. His little slaves were being too slow. He wanted them to obey him, thst turned him on. He wanted to be turned on so he can let loose. But he can only let loose when things get heated! 

"Faster you god damn nerds."

Fresh heard PJ growl out, his teeth clenched together and both hands on his member. Fresh sighed and moved his hands down to your easily removable shirt, curtesy Of your "beloved"master himself.

"I'm so sorry."

Fresh whispered to you as he tore it off. The more he pleased PJ, the easier he would go on you both when this all was over. This revealed your bouncing breasts being locked up by your bra. Fresh had to admit, you were pretty damn fine.

You squeaked and covered yourself up, very much displeasing PJ. He thought his little salve was lookign mighty fine~ In fact, he could steal Hern uo right now and fuck her into oblivion~ But... thst wouldn't be fair to his other little nerd now would it? Besides, this was just so he could relieve himself. Nothing more.

Fresh inhaled sharply. He squeezes your breasts really hard causing you to do a mixture of a yelp and moan. You had tears eyes as you looked at Fresh. Nonverbally, you were begging him to stop. But you were too powerless to say anything out loud.

Fresh looked over at PJ.p disgustedly. He looked pretty pleasured, but it was not enough to show mercy. Fresh weaved his hands around and unhooked your bra, tossing it aside. This wasn't how he wanted this to happen. This wasn't what he wanted.

Then... why did he want to smash you until your heart stops beating?

You squeak again but feel your hands being pinned above you by Fresh. His eyes producing some sort of purple vapor as he drunk in your whole figure. This was soemthing new. Something scary. You've never seen this side of Fresh before. It scared you.

PJ was getting excited. He started moving his hands faster uo and down his dick. Seeing Freshie, his male skeleton salve, dominating the fuck out of his female human slave was a huge turn on. he could tell things were getting spicy~

You felt a warm, wet sensation on your Nipples, causing you to moan incredibly loud. You bit the inside of your mouth after that. Never have you ever made any noise as lied as that. You turned your head away, embarrassed.

That's when Fresh came up to press his teeth agaisnt your cheek, his version of a kiss. He still had that lustful purple mist coming from his eyesockets, but it seemed a little softer now. You cried a little, looking at him.

"Don't hide your beautiful voice~"

Fresh tried to say as seductively as he can. He glanced back over at PJ. You could hear the slapping of him doing... that. You heard him  own loudly as he came. Fresh sighed in releif, sitting back up. 

You noticed yourself being released, so you slid out from beneath Fresh Nd scooted back, covering your chest with your arms. You looked around and saw you're shirt and bra on two different sides of the room. How did that happen? You were about to collect them when:


You squeaked and Fresh seemed terrified again. PJ, with his manhood swinging free under him who,e he stood up from his chair angerly, growled out at you both. Fresh held out an arm in front of you protectively as you cringed to yourself.

"I haven't even had a turn~"



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