You Don't Look Evil [UnderFresh!Sans x Reader]

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Because a loveless parasite who can't feel emotions is always the best choice for a one shot! Yep! I'm fINe~

You were laying around in the void. After being captured by Nigtjmare and sent into captivity to rot away until you were forced to become one of Error's puppets was such a perfect way to spend the rest of your life. So what better to do than just Be lazy?

That's when someone a lot more colorful then these quote unquote villains stood in front of your cage with rusty silver bars so close you can't squeeze through. You look up from your longing position to read YOLO all over his sun galsses.

One look, and you knew you were in for a bad time.

"Whatcha staring at, Fresh Prince?"

You raise an eyebrow, not even caring anymore. If he was as grouchy as that nightmare guy and threatened to kill you, let him. It won't  make any difference to you. You barely have a sense of your mortality after a seemingly eternity of boredom. Maybe he will prove to be some interest.

"Yo, are you the captive broski? The one I have to watch and make sure you don't try a and escape or whatnot?"

Wow, he was like the comic releif for every evil or antagonist team. You had to admit, he was unique. He looked like a nineties nightmare and he had this oblivious look to him along with that skeleton grin every single skeleton in this gosh darn place has.

"You don't look evil. Who are you?"

You completely disregard his question. He thinks for a minute. His glasses flash a different word. FRESH. Wow, you should have known. Wait a second, what was with those freaky shades? Didn't they say what he was about to or something? Then what about the YOLO from earlier.

"I'm Fresh, nice to meet you broseph."

He stuck his slim, bony arm through the bars and held out his hand for you to shake. Huh. He was super polite too. Heh. You couldn't help but still feel a singular chuckle before standing up, walking over towards him, and shaking his hand. You know, to be polite and all that Jazz.

"The name's (your name). And I have a few questions for ya, since you're guarding me and all."

You use the knowledge he revealed to you for your own benefit. He looked easy to take advantage of, easy to get him to let you go so you can slip away. Slip away from Nightmare, Error, and the other scary skeletons. Who knows, maybe you'll take him with ya. He didn't exactly look like he belonged here.

"Sure thing, Homie. Whatcha wanna know?"

He slipped his arm back to his side after you released his hand. You sat down cross legged and Fresh pulled up a chair thst was brought into your view just Now. Huh, must have been beside the cell the whole time. Who knows.

You already knew some things, like who those evil skeletons were. You knew most by name but sometimes a new one would appear out of nowhere, like this guy. Fresh. One time a little blue bundle of energy was thrown in here with you and that was... unpleasant.

"Tell me everything about yourself. Who you are, what you are, and most importantly: your relationship with the others."

You don't know why you took interest in him beforehand anything else. But if you straighten up asked waht they planned to do woth you that would be suspicious. Besides, you didn't know of this Skellie was a snitch or not.

"Well, my bro Error works here and he forced me over here after da truce with our homie Ink ended. It caused them to drift a tad ways apart and his own son, bone and blood, to run away after the basically divorce."

So there was a war going on between two major forces over a treaty being broken. One side led by Ink, who you had no clue who he was. And one side led by Error, that glitchy guy who gave you the impression of a rapist. Error is apparently this dude's brother and apparently Ink and error had a son, who ran away to possibly start a third party to end the war. At least, hats what you got out of this little string of dialogue.

"Interesting. Hey! Maybe we can find Error's son and end the war! But you have to trust me..."

Fresh cocked his skull a little bit, conveying he was confused like a little anime girl would. His glasses had a new word on them. Or, should I say words? SHOULD I? Then they changed in an instant as he made up is mind. FOR ERROR. He reached for some keys he had and opened the cell.

"Well, what are you waitin for! We have a dude to find!"

How was this? Hopefully not. I went for plot more than characters, so sorry that Fresh is so bland And the Reader was really wacky. I also lacked in the lingo. My bad. Nevermind what I said earlier, this sucked.


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