How to Kill Her Part Three [NaJ_Yandere!Fresh x PJ x Yandere!Reader]

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I'm surprised people like this one. Requested by 6backstab. This time I don't have to do a certain scenario so this should be easy. The comic dub has no relation to this oneshot other than the fact that Swap!Undyne is adorable. STORYTIME.

Fresh was annoyed with his parents for the first time in a long while. He loved them, but soemtimes he just didn't want to be near them. His Senpai was perfect for him to play with however he pleases and then his family decided to go to a special dinner? He didn't care if it was his grandmother's birthday at this point. His thoughts were PJ PJ PJ. So after rushing to get out of the house. He was at the front door. He rang the doorbell.

You heard the doorbell ring. That was him! Fresh was here! It only took an hour or two but he was here! You looked over at PJ. He was settling in quite well, watching football on the television. Ooh, Fresh would really love it if PJ opened the door for him! 

"PJ, darling, can you get that please?"

PJ stood up, knowing better than disobey you. He's seen what you can do with a knife. It was, like, straight out of the anime Undyne always showed him. He sighed walking over to the door. He opened it up and couldn't believe who he saw.


Fresh was startled when he saw PJ open the door. He thought he told you to keep him into the basement until he could make a first impression! Oh well, you were always the impatient type. He didn't mind. 

"Hello, Love. Glad to see you're up and about."

PJ felt something in his cheek and before he knew it he had a kiss palced on his teeth. He looked down, scareder than ever. Fresh was him!? His favorite nerdy Ex and thenonly person he truly loved before was the guy who assisted you with everything.

"Let's go in, I have plans for you~"

You watched both skeletons walk inside. Fresh had a wide beam on his face and PJ looked extremely uncomfortable. Huh, you really didn't take him as the scary type. Considering he's  major jock and all. But Fresh was happy.

"Like the surprise, Fresh?"

The smaller, dorkier skeleton nodded. He took PJ's hand in his own and squeezed it. If this was anyone else, your cleaver would be through their neck already. But this was Fresh, your best friend and the only person you'd ever be willing to share PJ with. Actually, seeing this made your heart warm up a little bit. It was nice to see your two boys get along.

"Loved it! You're awesome (nickname)!"

PJ noticed that Fresh was as cheery as he always was with him. But at school he would notice him being a lot more reclusive, mistrusting, hateful, and other adjectives that are similar to that. He's too lazy to go to

"I know. I'm making cookies. PJ was just watching football. Why don't you join him?"

Fresh nodded eagerly. He dragged him back to the couch and sat PJ down. He was a lot trembler than he remembered than when he dated him. Well, before he realized he was flirting with other humans and monsters at the school as if he didn't exist and he didn't love him at all! HA HA IT FEELS GOOD TO HAVE HIM AGAIN!!!

PJ felt Fresh cuddle up to him on the couch. He wouldn't admit it, but it felt nice. Like old times. Like nothing changed. Oh, but one thing did change. HE HAD A SHOCKING COLLAR AND HE WAS KIDNAPPED INSIDE OF SOME GIRL'S HOUSE!!! 

You watched your two boys on the couch, cuddling. You wanted to get in there, get in between that and get some love yourself, but it wasn't your place. Fresh had bee waiting for this alone time with PJ. You'd let them have a moment. Oh dear! The cookies are ready~

You sigh and take them out of the oven, conflicted within yourself.

I hope this was enough. probably not. I'm so sorry.


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