Skeleton Fever [Horror!Sans x Protective!Skelleton!Reader]

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My first skeleton Reader. Thanks to Gelotophobic for this request! Also, beware for the long list of rainbow after this one... BEWARE! XD oh and that little wiki thing is just for me. Most likely OOC... STORYTIME

After that wretchedness underground experience and the fallen human saved everyone from the horror, everyone was able to go up and live on the surfaces

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After that wretchedness underground experience and the fallen human saved everyone from the horror, everyone was able to go up and live on the surfaces. Skeletons, fish, dinosaurs, robots, ghosts, and goats alike. 

You kept close watch of Sans. He was hurt very badly. He had a large crack in his skull, nullifying all of his magic except the feint Gaster Blaster. He would lash out sometimes too, like an asylum patient.


You walked around the house, looking for him. You found him on the couch. He was breathing heavily and his skull was flushed red. You rushed as fast as you could over to him, placing the back of your hand on his skull. Unnatural Warmth transferred from his bones to yours.

"Skeleton Fever, Huh? Poor dear..."

You walked to the kitchen and got a hand towel, dousing it with cold water and fo,ingo it nicely. You walk back over to Sans, who was asleep. You could tell because skeleton's pupils aren't visable when they sleep. Fun fact.

You place the washcloth on his forehead and his breathing steadies again. You see he kicked his blanket off and pull it back over him. Must be another night,are about whatever memories he could have lost. He has those quite often.

You press your teeth against his cheek and he smiles in his sleep. You were about to leave him when his phalanges wrap around your wrist, forcing you to stay. Awww. Poor baby. You set down, patellas on the ground, and rub his hand with your thumb. 

This always worked, so why not? He loved this lullaby you would sing. It reminded him a lot of his brother, Papyrus. Paps lived with Mettaton now that they were married, so it was just you and sans in this house.

"Stars and moons and air balloons. Fluffy clouds to the horizon. I'll wrap you in rainbows and rock you to sleep again."

Why it reminded him of papyrus? Well, he always said paps was sweet and innocent, Empire the horrors of the underground. This you knew was true. He was the one optimist in a scary, dark Cavern that trapped everyone forever.

You end up falling asleep, sitting on your knees. Your skull cramped over and rested on Sans who was on the couch. Sans woke up when you fell asleep. He was in a colde sweat. He looked up and around him. He didn't remember a cold washcloth or blanket.

That's when he looked to his side. You were still there. He wasn't left alone and he wasn't murdering anybody. He actually had a genuine smile come over his face. He reached over and picked you up into the couch next to him. Skeletons were lightweight after all.

He cuddled you like a teddy bear, not feeling at all feverish, and he went back asleep. You both were smiling and cuddling on that couch. Well, ask close to cuddling as two skeletons could get. How your ribs didn't entangle, only god knows.

Short but fluffy, just like the request. This sucks I'm so sorry. I have a lot of AUs I didn't know of so just hang in there.


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