Caution [Asylum!Sans x Reader]

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Wow. This AU... Poor baby. Okay so this was the first request done by a lovely lady (or marvelous man) (or neoteric nonbianary) (or outstanding other) AmourAntoniette

You walked around the white holding with Dr. Toriel. It really was bleak in a mental hospital. Maybe choosing this place to do research for a fourth grade project was a very bad idea. But you wanted to anyway.

Insane people on the streets said the funniest things. They had a story nobody bothered to listen to. That is, nobody but little you. Tiny elementary school you. You had a spiral, some crayons, and a mechanical pencil! You also had a clipboard and you wore a white scientists coat to make you seem all science-y and cool. Man, science fair was fun back in elementary school.

The doctor said she was looking for the safest patient for you to visit, which was hard for the place was an asylum. Only the mentally unstable were here. 

So you were walking along with Toriel when your wandering eyes catch onto the glass. You can see a huddled figure in the room in a straight jacket. A large red sign with white letters hung over the door. Caution. Must be the perfect patients for you!

You walked up to the door, the Doctor hardly noticing your absence since she was so lost in though, and tapped on the glass. The patient inside looked up and stood up, slipping his arms into makeshift sleeves inside the straight jacket. He pressed his face against the window.

You giggled, causing the patient to smile. He looked like a skeleton. Cool! Halloween was always your favorite holiday! You placed a hand on the window, spreading the fingers. The skeleton's smile brightened as he mimicked the action, only his phalanges weren't visable and he pressed a sleeve up against the window. 

You moved your hand and pressed your nose against the door. The skeleton frowned, causing you to back away from the door and cock your head in confusion. He used his sleeve to rub wherever a nose would be. You felt bad.

You looked at the doorknob and took a bold move only a naive kid would. You opened the door, closed it behind you, and left yourself one on one with someone who was probably the most problematic in the asylum, with that caution sign and all.

"Hi! I'm (Your name)! Wanna help me with science fair?"

His eye sockets lit up. You can now see the colorful bandaids littered all over his body and the scratched and cracks on his skull.

"Sciwence faiwr?"

The skeleton looked confused. You smiled and sat down in front of him, cross cross apple sauce. He sat down too. You showed him your clipboard with your project guidelines.

"Yeah! I gotta make a project and present it to the whoooooooe school! I like you, so I wanna make my project about you! Mommy gave me a rubric and some questions to ask. I also got a recorder thingy to record what we talk about! Here, let me..."

You took out the easy to use recorder thingy and turned it on. The skeleton looked amazed. His eyes practically Stars. 

"Woah! Neat!"

You giggled.

"I know! Now.. Mommy's first question says thst I need your name. What's your name Mister Skellie?"

The skeleton looked at you at the mention of the bizarre nickname.

"I'm sans! And this is papyrus!"

You looked to where he was mentioning. He had the largest grin on your face. You couldn't see this papyrus guy. Being the innocent,man, sweet child you were you asked:

"Does he have super powers?"

The skeleton, sans, looked Back at you woth a bewildered expression. He cocked his skull in a way so you knew he was confused. You pointed to where you think he was, and did a little figure eight motion to indicate you didn't know where to look.

"I can't see him! He's invisible to me! Is it because I'm human?"

Monsters and Humans red different in this world. Your parents taught you that, but also taught you not to be mean to the monsters at your school. Everyone deserves love, kindness, and faith! The world is all happiness and rainbows kids!

At the mention of that Sans turned to his 'invisible firend' Papyrus.

"Hear that? You have super powers Paps!"

You giggled again. That's when the door bursted open and Doctor Toriel came Into the room with wide eyes and panic spread all across her face.

"Dear, sweet child what on earth are you doing!?"

You snap your head around to see the doctor rushing towards you and scrambling to pick up your things, not even bothering to close the door. You look at Sans. He looked sad, dissapointed. He talks to you.

"Dowes dis mean I can't help you wifth sciwence faiwr?"

Your little heart broke. You hugged the poor skeleton named sans.

"Nope! I promise to visit Sansy!"

Toriel stopped when she saw Sans in the most stable state he's had since he arrived. He looked happy, almost at home. It's was as if there was nothing wrong with him and he was just an innocent little kid. Toriel placed everything back on the ground, the recorder still going.

Toriel watched you both for an moment, just hugging. It was forgin to San Simeon But you refused to let the small skeleton go. You didn't want to let go. You'd never let go.

Was this cute enough? I hope it was.


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