Popular Guardian Part Two [NaJ_PJ x Nerd!Reader]

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Someone who is really cool named HeroofDreamland asked me for this! I moved it after the chapter so it can be chronological so yeah. I thought of soemthing to do so I'm ready to rock and roll!

Ever since PJ saved you that one time you just couldn't get him out of your head! Well, you couldn't before but it was worse now! If anyone had a crush on him, well screw them because yours was amplified to a million billion decillion!

But you were able to keep it secret. Somehow. 

Also, did I forget to mention that UnFresh talks to you now? Yeah he does every so often when he's sure no one is either around or paying attention. Why? Who knows. But often he'll complain or tell you soemthing about PJ, which you were grateful for.

"Hey Twerp!"

Aaaand there's your cue. You put down your book and turned around in your chair in the library. Yes, you were in the library. What's actually surprising is that Fresh asked you to meet him here. Yes, you have his phone number. That's the most surprising sort of it all.


Basically, UnFresh was teaching you to be cool to get to PJ. He's like a Squip. But you still keep your best friends Goth and Palette, if they still remember you... yeah you weren't a memorable person. At least you didn't think so.

You read UnFresh's glasses. It reads who's your crush? Oh dear god he was going to ask that question. You braced yourself for it.

"Do you have a crush on PJ, Twerp?"

Okay so he knew you had a crush on PJ somehow. Well, he wasn't helping you and giving you info on PJ specifically so it would be obvious to him. But should you really be confirming this to a person who can ruin your-

"Yeah, why?"

Okay we just went ahead and did it. UnFresh's glasses changed to Okay, cool. Then they went blank for a second. Wow that never happened before. Is that what happens when his mind blanks and he thinks of something? Oh, there are the words. I have a plan. You speak up about it before UnFresh can say a word.

"What's your plan, UnFresh?"

UnFresh was used to you reading his glasses and getting ahead by now. He just takes off his glasses so you can't read him like a book. This is when you knew UnFresh was being damn serious about this.

"You need to give him reasons to break up this his girlfriend, then. He obviously only likes Hern because of her uncle, who is principal. Basically as long as he dates Her he's safe from detention. But it also obvious he wants you bad, for some unlogical reason. So we need you to convince him."

You crossed your arms and rose an eyebrow because you could. UnFresh hated when you could make more advanced expressions because he couldn't. Skeleton facial expressions were very limited you know.

"Alright. But what's in it for you?"

He scoffed, averting his eyes. 

"Everyone hates having to be around little miss perfect. We hate her and she hates us. But she really loves PJ. Somehow. We all know PJ doesn't like her and you would be more bearable to deal with. Plus you wouldn't be around every living second of the day because you respect our space and have other friends. Even if you all are nerds."

You nod, understanding. Who knew such a popular dude could be so logical and reasonable. You nod, looking at his pupils floating in his eyesockets again. He puts his glasses back on, exploration now officially over.

"Gotcha. Now, how exactly am I gonna persuade him?"

UnFresh smirks, pulling out his phone a googling a song. Oh no this could only end badly. He pulls up an animatics or something and you watch it all the way through. 

No way he wants you to do that!? Not only will you embarrass yourself, but you will literally insult the neice of the principal! If she snitches you'll get in detention! But thst would probably get you in better with PJ and his friends... no! You still need your perfect record! Your parents would kill you!

You look up at UnFresh and he has a menacing face. Well, intimidating at best. You got used to him, just as he got used to you. You read his glasses . Something wrong, twerp? Yeah you probably saw that one from a mile away.

"Yeah, I don't think I can do this...."

UnFrssh groaned.

"I don't want to deal with your emotional crap right now. Do I have to prove you can do this?"

With that, UnFresh approached you and pulled down your shirt. It revealed your cleavage and you blushed a bit. What the actual fuck was he doing!? His glasses were off again. He just looked emotionless.

"Reason number one, you got boobs. Show them off."

He spun you around. He spanked you and you yelped. What the hell was going on?!

"Reason number two, you got ass. PJ would like that."

He spun you around again, putting up a third finger. Since when was he counting on his fingers!? Plus this was all jsut super weird.

"Reason number three, you're single and crushing on him bad. Might as well try and get him while you can."

He put down his hand, flicking his glasses back on. You were a little flustered still but mostly calm. If you have to get used to that you don't think you can. But there should no backing out now. You want PJ.

"You did that in tune to the song, didn't you?"

You asked. He smirked. His glasses read No shit, Sherlock. Wow he actually would make jokes on his glasses too. How punny. You smiled and looked at his phone again, which you happened to still be holding. You were filled with determination.

"Alright. Tomorrow I will. And I will wear an outfit like this too!"

You grinned. UnFresh mimicked it and gave you a high five, taking his phone back. His glasses read atta girl.

"Get him, Tiger. We're counting on you."

With that, UnFresh left the library leaving you to plan your seduction.

Wow that sounded much better in my head. But how did you like this? Offers for a part three are up! You have to request it tho! XP


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