Mourning [Vampire!PJ x Reader]

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I was attacked by HeroofDreamland by yet another new AU. Might as well have some vampireness before you have to go a Day with NO UPDATES, right? With all of that out of the way, it is now storytime.

The young master hasn't locked himself away in his chambers, just like the master. Both were grieving the loss of Mary, another one of the fortress staff. The maid who carried the child of the Master. The only human said to ever have *cough* been fucked by a vampire. 

Anywho, with the awkward exposition done we can now talk about you! You were another maid and the younger sibling of Suave, Young Master PaperJam's favorite servant. But recently, he wouldn't even let Suave into his chambers to bring him meals. Everyone in the staff has tried to bring the fresh blood to their masters, begging them to eat to live. But neither were hungry.

This morning, you would attemot to try and reach out to Young Master Paperjam while Suave would try to deal with the master. You held a tray with breakfast steady in your hands and lightly yout apples your knuckles on the large brass door.

"Young Master, would you please drink something? I don't even care if it my own flesh and blood. You need to eat!"

Younheard a shuffling within the room. A grumble, even. You were desperate for any kind of external reaction from the young master. He has locked himself away for many nights and days. This was unhealthy!

That's when the extraordinary happened. The door clicked unlocked and it cracked open just a smidge, allowing you to push through. You smiled and placed your palm on the door, giving firm yet gently push open and you carefully shut it behind you.

You placed the tray down on his bedsde table. Yes, vampires in this AU sleep in beds. They aren't uncivilized! Young Master Paperjam was wrapped in his sheets, wearing clothes that seemed new. So he was dressing himself daily. That was a nice reassurance to a maid like you. He had tears stained in his cheeks and he had a frown plastered on his face. You placed your hand on his cheek.

"Young Master...."

He snapped.

"SHE WAS MY MOTHER!!! Why won't you all let me mourn in peace! I... I miss her... I wanted to have her with me for eternity.... like Papa..."

He sniffed, wiping his eyesocketets with the backside of both his ulna and raidus bone. He whimpered and tears come from his eyesockets once more. Of course he would weep for his mother's mortality. She was a great woman and an exceptional maid. You brought the young master into a hug. He kept sobbing.

"We could have been a family.... for eternity... if only Papa had turned her like us... she would still be here..."

He sniffed, burring himself in your chest and sobbing. You rubbed the back of his skull with your hands, softly cooing to him that everything will be fine. You rocked him back and forth to try and give him more comfort.

"All good things must come to and end, Young Master. Now she is what we call 'Heaven.' It is a place where she can watch over you from above."

You try to explain the human concept of afterlife to him. Humans have souls, vampires don't. Only those with souls can go to heaven. (Which means I don't go!) you were sure Young Master PJ didn't understand. But he nodded anyway with a whimper.

"But she didn't have to go so soon..."

He softly cried, making it obvious he wanted no more conversation. You learned to his real Ethernet quickly and continued to comfort the young master in his hour of need. You let him listen to your heartbeat until he cried himself to sleep yet again, forgetting to feed him the sweet salvation of a bloody vampire breakfast.

I tried. The wiki literally said stuff only about the Mom so I thought I'd go off of that. This sucks I'm so sorry. 


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