I Red You [Papyrus x Reader]

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Before we begin, the video above. The black guy is the skin color crayon. Let that sink in. (Pun intended XD) This is kinda inspired by a poem I wrote for a friend.

Papyrus was pondering. He really loved you, but he didn't know how to express it. You always said he was enough, but he felt like he was doing it wrong somehow. He heard from Mettaton that poems were romantic, so why not use a poem!?

But he had no ideas for some romantic poem. He didn't know how to woo anybody! He had trouble keeping friends, a lover is even harder to impress! He groaned loudly to try and get Sans's attention.

Nothing. He groaned louder. Still asleep on the couch. Papyrus was getting very cranky and started screeching from him to get up. Sans, startled, jolted upright and awake to see his brother in distress. He concealed his annoyance.

"Oh, sorry bro. What's up?"


"A poem, Huh? Like one of those romantic like things? Don't ask me. Im useless as a sacks of bones when it comes to romance."

Papyrus groaned again as Sans ouches back down, proving that he was going to be useless yet again. He looked at the paper. He still didn't know what to write! Maybe someone else he knew could help. Someone who knows everything and has experience with everything. 



Papyrus called as he knocked on the door of his best friend's house. The very fish woman opened the door, revealing her face. He had her large smirk at seeing who is on the other side of her front door.

"Heya Pap! Long time no see!"

Papyrus nodded. He took out his peace of paper and pen and held it against the wall, just in case Undyne has any really good ideas. This just made the fish confused. She was about to ask what he was doing when he answered for her.


Undyne invited him in. Her table was fixed after frisk walked through as her house guest. Papyrus sat down with his paper and pencil in hand and ready to rock and roll. He looked up to Undyne for some wisdom and guidance.

"Romance, Eh? I've never been one for the sappy stuff. But since I started dating Alphys I picked up on some things. Like I know Red is the color of passion and hearts are normally red. Determination is red, maybe about red."

Papyrus nods, jotting down the large title as Red. A poem about red. How love is red. Red was your favorite color so this would be perfect!


This is a time skip. Trolololololol.

Papyrus had called you to come over not too long ago. He was pacing around, wondering if his writing skills were perfect enough for you. Normally he would say anything done by him, the great papyrus, as worth it. But because this was for you his anxious side would show.

"Don't worry, bro. They'll love it."

Papyrus just nodded, reading over it again. That's when a meek knock on the door was heard. Papyrus buckled up. Wait! Maybe he could prepare some more! Fix some errors! Oh this was th good enough! He was about to tell Sans to ask her to wait but it was too late. Before Papyrus knew it, his lover was already sitting on the couch with Sans.

"Papyrus? You said you wanted to tell me something?"

Papyrus gulped. Man, as it hot here or was it just him! Wait, this was Snowdin! Why on earth did he feel hot! It was all concentrated in his ribcage where his soul was in place and on his cheekbones. He looked arm the paper before giving up and shoving it into your hands.


Sans rolled his pupils within his eyesockets. Papyrus was covering his face with his other hand. He felt you take then paper from him. He sat criss cross apple sauce on the floor in front of you, waiting. for you to be done.


My paint covered hands draw over the canvas? Monochrome works always were my favorite. What color could this painting be? Only the most valiant, passionate, and most barbaric color of the spectrum


Roses are red, violets are blue. Strawberries are red, grapes are violet You cover chocolate in strawberries, which are also red.What on Earth can also be red?

Apples, Cherries, Cranberries, Specific Internal Organs, Pomegranates, Raspberries, tomato, raw meat, Some Peppers, Watermelon, Guava, Grapefruit, blood, blood oranges, Red onions, Red Cabbage.

So much is red.

Red symbolizes Love. Red symbolizes passion. Red symbolizes Energy Red symbolizes Warmth Red symbolizes heat Red symbolizes desire. 

Red symbolizes War. Red symbolizes Hurt. Red symbolizes Violence. Red symbolizes no mercy. Red symbolizes genocide. Red symbolizes insanity. Red symbolizes blood. Red symbolizes rage.

So when I say I'm red for you:

I love you so much it hurts

I am fighting on the inside, watching you love all these other people and not me.

You give me energy, and I don't know if it's good or bad.

I'm Red for you.

So Red for you, it burns me.


Papyrus looks up to see you smiling wide. He watches as you place the paper gently on the couch before falling off the couch into his lap. You hugged him and planted kisses all over his skull. He let out those little cute 'NYEH's as giggles as you did so.


You giggle.

"Of course I do."

I copied and pasted my poem. XP


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