Welcome Home [Papyrus x Reader]

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Welcome to the surface, monsters. Words painted across a banner in th front of your town. The monsters were moving and buildings onto your small village. Most people were against them joining humanity, but you welcomed them with open arms.

You slid down the ladder to look at the banner you put up, single handed lyrics i might add. You throw the brush to your pile of stuff you used to make this nice big welcome.  Your little sister and brother decided to make flower crowns for them. So they were making flower crowns.

That's when you and your two siblings could hear them start coming in the distance. Muffled voices and shuffled steps. Well, all voice but on ewas very muffled. One was very confident and had a nice laugh to go with it. You couldn't help but beam. You look around for other people who would hopefully join the welcoming party.

But nobody came.

Your siblings had made a total of twelve flower crowns. They put own the ones made for them and you bent down to get one on you. The banner stood tall and proud as the monsters could be seen walking up from the horizon. You and your siblings had wide, welcoming smiles.


"Heh, I guess we assumed wrong. You were right Paps."

"My Child, are you sure about this? We can always go back and I can make butterscotch-cinnamon pie for everyone."

"I agree with Tori, Child. Is this wise?"


"Well If Frisk says so..."

"Let's meet these punks!"

"U-Undyne! We d-don't want to scare them!"

"Darling~ With our fabulousness we can't scare anyone off~"

You can't help but giggle. They weren't so much monsters when it became to behavior. They acted like a group of friends would. There were nine monsters. Two skeletons, three goats, the embassador, a dinosaur, a fish, and a robot. Your siblings ran up to them, flower crowns in hand.


"Woke come to town!"

"Want a"

"Flower crown?"

Well, aren't they like the shining twins? Finishing eachother's sentences like that. You giggled and walked up behind the bouncing brother and sister duo, placing a gentle hand on both of their shoulders. You focused mainly on the very tall, loud skeleton who caught your attention earlier.

"Hello, I'm (Your name). These are (sister and brother's Names.) Welcome Home. Flower crown?"

The monsters looked amongst eachother. Well, all but two. The robot and the tall skeleton had no hesitation to responding to the three of you as a family. 

"Oh? How can I resist~"


They both knelt down before the twins and had the crowns gently placed on their crowns. Get it? Because the top of the head to the bottom of the forehead is the crown of your head? Oh well. I was hoping you'd get it. The other monsters seemed comfortable with the two small humans so they each took their turn getting their own flower crowns. 

You smiled and watched this unplanned yet organized "Welcoming Ceremony" with a wide smile. But then you felt something tap on your shoulder. You turn and make eye to eyesocket contact with the tall, loud skeleton you took a liking to.

"Yes? Can I help you?"

He fumbled woth his bony hands, which were encased in large gloves that reminded you of red oven mits.


You get a solemn look on your face. You take the urge to grab his hands to good use. You take his hands and look into his eyesockets, the cliché setup for someone telling someone else something very Important.

"No. I'm sorry. Most of town is actually opposed to you all moving in. It will take time, but I know we can do it. They will adjust. It's evolution."

He nods in understanding and you let him go. You flash him a smile before turning to the tall goat lady and the embassador of humans and monsters, who you were sure had a great many questions about the surface.

Papyrus watched these other humans. If what the older human said was true, then they would probably be his favorite human. He looked at the Younger humans, palying around with Asriel And Asgore And Undyne. 

For some reason, Papyrus didn't want to hop in and join them. He didn't feel the need anymore. He looked over to Alphys and Sans, chatting the day away. Then he looked over st Mettaton who was surveying the welcoming party decor. Everyone had their own place. Yet, where was his?

Papyrus looked back at you. He felt something in his soul stir. He thought back to your words about these humans, and your initial greeting. Welcome Home. They will adjust. 

Well then, the great papyrus would also adjust and find his place once more!

Sorry, this was bad.


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