Is He High or Did He Find My Secret Stash of Candy? [UnderSwap!Sans x Reader]

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When was the last time I wrote about our favorite little energy skellie? What?! Twenty chapters ago!? That's way too long! I'm here to fix that! 

Running around Willy nilly had to be the best activity for sugar high sans right Now. Who knows how he got this way, he just did. You and Papyrus were waiting it out. Papyrus took shifts with you to watch him Andy make sure he doesn't do anything too bad, it was your shift right now.

So right now you had Sans run around the perimeter of the house. Not inside because he could break something, but within his property so he can tbother anyone who isn't outside. If someone was outside right now they wouldn't be for long because sugar high sans is kinda annoying. No, not annoying. He's extra. He's like a monster. Well, he is a monster... 

Sorry guys, he author can't find a suitable metaphor to describe Blueberry on a sugar high so just have these two gifs as explanation. He's like being hyper mixed with an adrenaline rush from who knows where.

 He's like being hyper mixed with an adrenaline rush from who knows where

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Yeah there we go, that's pretty much sums up what blueberry is acting like right now

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Yeah there we go, that's pretty much sums up what blueberry is acting like right now. But just running around their house in Snowdin practically getting rid of all the snow with his footprints. Heh, a house in Snowdin without snow in the yard. You guess there's a first for everything.

You watched Sans zoom around the house. This was getting tedious. Papyrus hasn't given you a break from your shift watching him for hours and all sans would do was run around, screaming jibberish. There had to be a way to shut him down, like a reboot thing on a robot. Like on Napstabot.

That's it! Whenever Sans gets flustered he freezes for at least a second and starts stuttering with the cute little blush of his! If you could get him embarrassed about something then maybe you do get at least five seconds of peace.

But how? Whenever he was on sugar high he literally had no shame. He literally skinny dipped around Snowdin and was found in the waterfall bathing himself with some old toothbrush he found in the garbage. Thank you Alphys for finding him.

Oh wait! Whenever you kissed his forehead goodnight by accident one time (how do you even kiss someone's forehead by accident?) he was blushing and in the morning he apparently had the best night's sleep ever. He would blush and start stuttering again. That's it! You just have to kiss him!

Not that you didn't mind. Evangeline can't write a lenny face so either picture one or put it in the comments. RIP fourth wall yet again. 

You had to time this just right. You went right next to the little path that sans had made running around and around and around. When you saw the blur of him just about to go by you reached out for his little scarf bandana thingy. 

Sans was squirming, trying to keep running and moving. You quickly pressed your lips to his forehead causing him to gasp. His legs stopped moving and he just dangled from your grip as if he was hanging from a noose.

His eyes were hearts instead of stars, his jaw was Agape, and he had a large blush scattered over the front of his skull. Heh heh. Mission accomplished. You made a mental note for next time just kiss him and it will be over.


He stuttered, trying to his his face in his little bandana scarf thing. I need a name for it. Help. He couldn't hide his face because you were holding onto it. A smug smirk was on your face. He was finally calmed down.

"So, where did you find the candy?"

Sans sighed in defeat.

"Second cubbord behind the wall where a vertical trapdoor was built. Very clever puzzle if I do say so myself. If I hadn't seen pappy take a chocolate bar out of there I wouldn't have known."

He was clam when he spoke, instead of his normal yelling. It and what's he said both symbolized his defeat. So he did find your secret candy stash! That bastard Papyrus, he took your chocolate bar?! There was only one and you were saving it!

"Now, did you learn your lesson?"

Sans nodded in defeat. Your smile grew wide and you placed him down. The rested your hands on his shoulders.


Sans jolted to get back in the house and wake up his brother. You didn't know if he was actually sleeping or not, but it was more likely than not. This is what he gets for stealing your chocolate bar on your period.

This. Was. Worth. It. Screw the fourth wall! This was fun to write and I don't care if you hated it! For once... this has to be my favorite oneshot I made. Why? BLEUBERRY!!!


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