Bye Bye [Error!Sans x Reader]

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I keep using similar prompts when I'm bored, don't I? Huh... I'm sorry. I'm horrible, I know.

You were just sitting in clsss, super bored with yourself. Seriosuly, Why did you need to learn this stupid lesson anyway? It was so easy! Substitution had to be the simplistic thing ever in Algebra One but noooooo the dunces in your class couldn't seem to get it right!

You were just randomly sketching an outline. Huh, you always knew you were utter UnderTale trash. It was just a lineart of Sans. Literally this could turn into any Sans, almost. And you had a favorite. 

You started making eyesockets that were mismatched with the other. Sooner than later, you had sketched out error, little error messages and all. What? You always loved villains amd the dark side! When someone does a villain right, you're gonna fangirl over them. Thank you fandom for creating this masterpeice!

So as you were drawing, and not giving two flying (insert f word) about the simple math lesson you're doing, a sudden rip in some space time crap opened. You looked up and saw Error himself stepping out and looking around, smirking.

You looked down at your drawing in disbelief. Did you just summon mother trucking Error?! Nah, this had to be by chance. You didn't know he was actually real! Man, this was like a oneshot in a fanfiction or something!

Error's eyesockets landed on you. You froze and yet had a somewhat wicked grin on your face that screamed TAKE ME AWAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! Reference intended. Oh, and the clsss was in utter discord. The students all shrieking and hiding under their desks, the teacher calling the front office while crying, and the rift leading to the anti void being literally on the center of the room. You were the only person insane enough to stare Error in the eye. 

"ThIS oNe lOOkS inTeResTINg..."

He commented under his breath. You rose an eyebrow.

"Looks are only half the battle."

Error looked surprised you heard him. He registered what you said and then his yellow jawline spread into a wicked grin. Oh yes this was going to be good. He started pulling out his string so but you stood up.

"No need for capture, I want to leave this hell. And if you destroy this AU that would ensure ,y loyalty."

You hated your life. I mean, school was hell, home was hell, sleep was impossible. You always wanted a little life reset button amd here It is. Besides, going with your favorite villain of all time to work for him, even if it's as a slave, who would pass up this opritunity?! Only a crazy person! Besides it's against the plot.

Error retracted his blue strings from his fingers and back into the tear stains on his face. He gestured for you to wait inside the anti void. There was quiet as everyone watched you jump into the rift and just sit down next to the opening from the inside. You wanted to hear the scream of pain.

Error snapped his fingers from sin ide the AU and summoned a paper. Huh, you didn't know he could do that. It was as if he pulled the paper of the AU out of the AU. Is that how he manages to take them from the doodleverse and destroy them? The world may never know. Besides, your AU was probably excess and worthless anyways. 

Error took it into his phalanges and started ripping it. Just like that, the earth began to shake all over. Large cracks appeared in the ground and a black hole was in between all of them, sucking down helpless residents of your poor AU. Hey, their screams were actually satisfying. Maybe you'd make a good villainess.

It was over sooner than you would want and Error hopped through the Roff, closing it back up behind him. It was nothing but a black hole now after all. Error looked down at you and in a second, pulled out your soul. He looked at the color.

"(FAvoRitE CoLoR), hUh? YoU wILl bE Of USe."

He placed your soul in your body and starts to walk off, snapping to signal you follow close behind him. You eagerly stood up and followed your master to a new life.

I wanted to make it different. Sorry.


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