I Still Got A Little Fight Left in Me [Disbelief!UnderSwap!Sans x Reader]

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This song's inspires me to strive to do more. You know, strive to be what people deserve instead of what I actually am. 

Papyrus was dead. He convinced Sans to stay home and stop tying to capture the human with tournament help. Now he died. Sans doesn't go anywhere without wearing Papyrus's hoodie around his waist. 

He became super depressed. He won't leave his room. You've had to stay at his house to make sure he eats and stays healthy as a Magic Skeleton can. But every time you'd enter his room he'd just be cuddling in his blankets on his race car bed, crying. He would eat what you left for him, but he wouldn't do much else. It was starting to hurt you inside. You had to do something.

"Sans? Come on Blue."

You use his nickname that Papyrus used for him. Big mistake. He just cried harder. You sat on the side of his bed to try and cormfort him. You rest your hand on his leg. He was wearing Papyrus's oversized hoodie.

"Don't you want to try? Avenge him? Get your revenge on the human?"

Blueberry just sniffed. He nodded his skull very faintly, rubbing against his pillow. You started comfortingly rubbing his leg that was under the blankets. You wanted to bring him any sort of comfort you could.

"Then why don't you, me, and Alphys train extra hard? We will meet the human together, you and me. They won't be able to take us both on."

Sans sat up for the first time in forever thst you've seen. His eye sockets were baggy and they had tear stains surrounding them at all angles, as if he was tossing and turning as he cried. His eyesockets didn't have the normal stars. His pupils changed shape into little teardrops to show his sadness.

"I-I can't... I can't kill someone... But Papy..."

You placed your hand on hiss skull comfortingly. Your rubbed it a little bit as if he hadn't hair to ruffle like older siblings or lovers normally do to their significant other. You looked into using eyesockets.

"Then I will."

He started to cry again. He fell into you, hugging you tight. You hugged him back, trying to give him physically as much comfort as you possibly can. Rubbing his spine, hugging him tight, even placing sweet little forehead kisses on his skull.

"We still have a little fight left in us. We will get them back for what they've done."

Sans nodded against you. It kinda felt weird but that wasn't  priority right now. Sans lifted his skull to meet your eyes. Two tear stains were left on your shirt and two I prints of the rim of his eyesockets. His pupils changed from tear drops to normal circles. Good, he was regaining some hope. 

"Yeah.... I still have a little fight left in me!"

He faked a smile. That was what you needed. Fake it 'til you make it. That's precisely what you both needed after the death of someone like Papyrus. Papyrus was Sans's world. But right now he needed to trudge on, despite everything. 

This human needed to be stopped.

It was short, but I think I got right to the point. Raise your hand if you cried. Drop off s one and comment if you want to comfort the smol. 


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