Fresh Skellie from Bel Air-y [UnderFresh! Sans x Reader]

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I feel refreshed! In all seriousness god today the first good day after a long time. So I'm feeling fine. Y'all ready to get fresh?

You were living a nightmare. To be specific, a Ninteen ninety's nightmares. Of all the alternate universes you had to go into, it was UnderFresh.

UnderFresh wasn't a bad place! Really! It's just everyone is basically high and living over a decade back in the past. It wasn't your favorite place to be when places like UnderSwap or DanceTale existed. But it was your Job to stabilize other universes and keep the regularities.

So here you are, at some disco party thing at the alternate gillby's. Everything literally looked like it came straight outta the Fresh prince of Bel Air intro. The music was even similar to that damn theme song! Sorry for turning you into some sort of Underfell creature but god does it get annoying after a long while!

Then the main character walked in. Upside down yolo shades, colors no modern person would be seen in, And the craziest smile on his face. You smirked to yourself. He was so... so... Fresh? Who knows.

He seemed to look at you. Yeah you didn't hang around UnderFresh often so they wouldn't know you. Eh. He snapped finger guns at you. Oh god finger guns. You swore you were holding back on the largest cringe in the world. This whole AU was cringe. But somehow... you were enjoying it? The smile was kinda comforting. It was the most normal thing here anyway. 

"Woah, haven't seen you around here. Groovy! I'm sans, what's your name?"

He held out his bones hand for you to shake it. Why the heck not? You gave him an awkward smile and took his bones Into your hand, shaking it. Awkward for you, normal for him. Yep that's the nineties in a nutshell.

"I'm (Your name). You must be Sans, yeah?"

"Yeah! Gnarled, you know my name but I don't know yours? Anyeho, what's a cool cat like you doing here at ol' Grillby's?"

Asgore Christ this dude is the cri guest thing on the planet. But in a way you were okay with it. But in several ways you were not okay with it.

"Just checking on a few things. Now I should leave."

You stand up to go burn he grabs your wrist before you can slip past him and out of here. Why can't  you just go back to the void and not stay in this cringe bucket of an alternate universe!?

"Woah woah woah, slow your role! You haven't even danced yet!"

In DaceTale, hell yeah you'd stay for a dance. In UnderFresh, oh hell naw. Dances here are just random body flinging around to try and make yourself seem cool. You sleeved out of his grasp. The disappointment on his skull made you feel guilty. You sighed.

"You know what? Fine. Just don't make me do anything cringey."

"Radical! Let's go!"

His pep returned and he dragged you out to the so called dance floor. Oh god this was going to be cringey no matter what, huh? But in an odd way, you felt like you weren't going to have a bad time after all. Ironic since he is in fact a sans.

That song tho, it makes me feel fresh! TOO HOT (hot damn) CALL THE PO-LEESE AND DEM FIREMEN


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