In a World of Dancers [DanceTale!Sans x Depressed!Reader]

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Request done by Author-Is-A-Potato. I know she doesn't like angst but I'm sorry. I hate spoiling, but I need to reassure you this has a happy ending. This is another poem becuase I think it will be most effective in this format. Video is completely irrelevant, as usual. It's story time much dudes.


You couldn't dance in a world of dancers.

You were the only one with no talent

You don't deserve this world

You don't belong in this world

You deserved to be removed from this world.


Rope? Check.

Chair? Check.

Note? At the door. Check.

It was time for you to sleep




Before it's too late

A blue jacket

Storms through in a hurry

I have to save them


Step on the chair

Noose around your neck

Look down and think

Your final thoughts

Look down and breathe

Your last breaths

No need to live

When you don't fit in


Burst through the door

Sprint around the rooms

Dash down the hall

Then blue hoodie

The boy

The skeleton 

I must save them


You stare at the ground

Last thoughts

Last wishes

Last breaths

You were ready to jump

But you couldnt


The door swung open

The skeleton in the blue hoodie

Stood there crying

Don't leave me

You're the only one

I love


Rope? Gone.

Chair? Pushed out of the way.

Note? To up.

You couldn't go through with this


He held you in a tight embrace

The blue hoodie skeleton


He held you close

Who cares If you cant dance in a world of dancers

That makes you unique 

You have your own Talents


I love you 

He whispers

You cry

Your heart swells

You hold him closer

I love you too.


Raise your right hand if you cried. Now raise your hand if you like the poems. Now on your left hand raise only your pinkie if you want more poems. I'm just teasing. My poems suck! But thanks for reading.


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