But I love him...[NaJ_Goth x Palette x Reader]

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Crack chapter. He warned. You will be getting a lot of these today.... I'm sorry I don't feel myself... I'm so sorry... I'm worthless....

You were in a date with your favorite little goofball when suddenly:


You and your boyfriend both look up to see Palette's best friend Goth standing there with a nook in his hand and earbuds stashed somewhere underneath his hoodie. You pouted and held Palette's hand protectively.

"You said you had a study group with Fresh, Dust, and Alphys tonight."

Palette was sweating nervously and cutely. You squeezed his hand, getting in between the two skeleton boys.

"What are you talking about? Palette is obviously on a date with me!"

Palette seemed like he was dying inside. You watched Goth's face twist in annoyance. He had a smirk on his jaw. Something you wanted to wipe off his skull.

"Odd, considering I'm his boyfriend."

WHAT!? You looked back at a blushing Palette. He tried to get away but you had a tight grip on him. You pulled the small skeleton into your embrace.

"Goth, nobody likes a liar. Because I'm his girlfriend!"

You saw Goth reach for Palette's other wrist. Heteied to pull Palette close but brought you over instead. Two jealous lovers fighting over the innocent thing in the center. This was cliché.

"Now you're the liar."

You and Goth were staring eachtoher down while a blushing and slightly turned on Palette squirmed in between you two.

"Palette! Tell your friend that you love me more!"

"Palette, please tell this female dog to back down before she's put on a leash."

You growled at Goth before looking down at Palette. He was blushing ferociously over his cheekbones and you swore he had a nosebleed. He stammered a lot.

"Uh...I... uh... I love... both of you?..."

He shrugged. You and Goth looked eachother in the eyes. You scowled at him while Goth just sighed.

"It would make him happy to have both of us."

Goth says in a demanding tone towards you. You look at Palette, who was still a little flustered over the situation. Anything for his happiness...

"Fine, but only because Palette wants us both."

And that's how you became a three way couple.

Garbage. Utter garbage. But I didn't put anything out yet today and I didn't want to just get a single poem. Three hundred words isn't too bad for an uninspired author, right?


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