. [Sans x Reader]

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Well well well, NdragonEyes just can't stay away, huh? Fine by me. Just means I'm more useful. Oh, and the story title will make sense in a few sentences. Also if you haven't noticed my normal readers are default female. Sorry guys. I either make it female or no specific gender, this is female. STORYTIME!

You pouted, cramping up really bad in your stomach. Lower stomach and lower back. It's always the lower part that cramps! Why did you even have cramps?

Well, boys, saddle up because you're having a human biology lesson. All females have these things called periods. Periods are what happens when an egg within the ovaries does not get fertilized and the blood the ovaries haven't been saving for when the egg gets fertilized just exists the body. It's simple, but it hurts like hell for some. The process normally lasts three to seven days and it causes  hormonal spike so females get mood swings at this time. Women and girls worldwide are affected differently. Kind of like types of drunks. There's the angry menstrator, the emotional mestrator, the unaffected menstrator, the cuddly menstrator, and the horny menstrator. Yes, I fucking named them. 

You, my dear Reader, are the cuddly menstrator and it is day two of your period so now the hormones really kick in and the pain dials down a little. The first day always is the most hell. Trust me.

So you were just dying for a hug, but you were alone in the house. You were visiting Paps and Sans for the week because your Dad will not stand to deal with you when you're on your period because he thinks all women are either angry or emotional menstrators. We'll he save wrong because you just want some decent affection.

So you nuzzled Into a dark colored pillow while wearing dark colored clothes so blood won't be so apparently if it leaks out of your pad. You were cuddling it like a teddy bear and felt like falling asleep when you heard the door open. You instantly perked up and saw sans with some grocery bags.

"Heya kid. I got some chocolate if ya want it. I also got you a new jacket since you always like wearing mine."

Oh, did I forget to mention you were wearing his jacket right now? It was so floofy you just wanted to cuddle into it And snuggle and never let go! You held onto it protectively. Sans sighed and placed the bags on the counter in the kitchen before returning to the living room where you were. He saw you pouting while hugging a pillow while wearing his jacket and a very large black shirt and literally just black panties. No shorts. His face went a little blue but he didn't now really care much. Heh heh heh~


You whined when he sat on the far end of the couch. He looked over st you and had no time to react when you pounced on him. He flinched and blue blush spread over his skull to where's his ears would be. 

You burried yourself into the skeleton and nuzzled into him, smiling. He was so comfy, despite being super duper boney. You felt an arm drape over you and you felt safety wash over yourself. You snuggle closer to sans.

Sans literally used all his willpower not to pick you up and slam his teeth against yours, summon a tongue using magic, and just make you his. He had to remind himself you were memstrating. How he knew? You always would steal his jacket and get very cuddly with pillows, stuffed animals, and even asking to sleep with papyrus for the night. Funny story one time you bled on his race car bed and he thought you were injured. Sans thinks back to that when he can't  sleep in the middle of the night and he chuckles to himself, thinking about how much he's willing to put up with you.



You seemed so comfortable, so relaxed, so safe. So god damn cute. Sans paused a moment to just look at you before shaking his skull and having his grin sweep wider.

"Wanna just take a nap? Right here, right now?"

He didn't hear a response, but he did get pulled down onto the couch in a laying down position. Arms were wrapped around him and he had an adorable girl nuzzled up close to him where she could hear his soul pulse in his chest and feel the radiation off of it too. 

Sans couldn't help but grin even wider, if possible. He began stroking your hair and entwining his legs with yours. If he got blood on them, screw it. Showers exist in the underground. He heard you sigh. He sighed.

Then you both fell asleep.

Period fluff! Gotta love da period fluff. The title make sense now? It's a . A . Is a period. Get it?


Undertale Boiz x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now