Hot Dang [NaJ_UnFresh x Reader]

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When you have no requests so you just do this... sorry...

You walk down the halls, wearing your hoodie and praying not to be noticed at all. High school was a literal hell, who on Earth would actually enjoy this experience?! Well, whatever. You don't. End of story.

You glance around, wathving everyone talking amongst their friends and the jocks messing around with the nerds. All in a day's work at UnderHigh. You just walk past it all, just wanting to get away, get to class, and listen to your music. Who cares about the lessons? You don't want want to go to college anyways.

UnFresh was with his friends, picking on two nerds. That's when his eye caught onto someone walking past everyone in the hall. His glasses instantl changed to read HOT DAMN. THe person walking by was really fine, wearing a black hoodie and having earbuds plugged in their ears. But despite that he could hear the heavy metal blasting through as they grazed past him. He watched their hips move as they walked away, forgetting about the two punks for a split second.


Undyne screeched as Palette tried to squeeze past them. Ha, not this time. UnFresh grabbed him by the back of the shirt and threw him back into the circle where he did get ridiculed even more by his friends. 

UnFresh looked back the way you were, but you were already gone. He knew for sure he had no classes with that sexy person, so he could wait for lunch and try to track them down. that is, if you were in the same lunch...

Lunchtime eventually came and you sat by yourself in the corner, like normal. Heavy metal blasting in your ears to calm you down. That skank you call a History teacher tried taking up your phone, so you threw a textbook at her Andy had detention for two class periods. It sucked. Whelp, your day is about to get suckier because one of the school jocks made his way up to you. Your time of being a bystander was up. They noticed you, and now you were a target. Or, at least, that's what you thought.


The skeleton wearing shades that read EDGE on them stuck up two of his bony fingers. He had a smirk that looked full of itself. You raised an eyebrow at him. If he wasn't going to make your life miserable, you'd rather him skip past the pleasantries.

"You're (Your Name), Yeah?"

UnFresh tried gathering as much information as he could about you. But sadly, nobody around here knew you except one person. That person was a huge nerd, but at the same time close to Undyne. He couldn't exactly beat the information out of her without facing Undyne's wrath. Stupid little punk...

"Yeah, now are you just gonna stare at me or are you going to use me a song a punching bag?"

Wow, this person was extremely blunt. UnFresh was not expecting that. Did he really have that mindset about him spreaded throughout the whole school? If so, that's nice. Everyone fears him. That's what he wants,

"Nah, I wanted to know a little bit."

So he wasn't going to best you up, but use you as an informant? Oh great, what did he want to know? If you were a liable source to do his homework? Ha ha! Sorry Skellie, you're failing math and science, barely passing all your other classes. You don't give a shit. You have no friends and your parents don't care. If nobody cares, why should you?

"What do you want to know, Edgy Boy?"

Based on his glasses, you give him a teasing nickname. Something just in case you got in a fight. You had one earbud out to listen to him and the other in, blasting your heavy metal music in your other ear. You saw his face flush. His cheekbones bore a blush and his glasses changed to say SHIT. Heh, you made a jock flustered. Points for you.

"Who the hell are you? And are you single?"

Oh shit. Now it was your turn to have a small blush. This dude, thins popular skeleton, was asking if you of all people were single? You flipped out your phone,my, paused the music, and took out the other earbud, looking him dead in the glasses.

"You're serious?"

His glasses changed again. VERY. Wait, how did his glasses work? They change with what he's thinking or some shit? Ah, screw it. For starters, mos terms exist. Secondly this is a fanfiction. Anything can exist at the mercy of the author.


You sigh. UnFresh smirks in satisfaction. He will learn from you and not some outside force. Someone as sexy as you he would date any day. Who knows, maybe you could become one of them!

"I'm (Your name) (Last Name) And Yeah, I'm single."

Saying that would change your high school experience forever...

This was bad, sorry. 


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