Don't Give Up [Sans x Reader]

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This is it, the final oneshot of this collection. Well then, we've had a good run. I hope I can make this one epic enough to Be a perfect ending. It's gonna be hardcore angst, beware.

Sans sighed, why should he keep going? This work would just keep resetting and forgetting without him. He's the only monster who's unhappy and remembers, so why so hound he remain then only unhappy monster.

Sans was waiting st his post in snowdin, all alone. How is thst different than normal at all? He's just alone in this infinitely repeating world that could just exist without him. Everyone could love on and just forget him,

Would everyone be happier without him? Papyrus wouldn't have to deal with his lazy self and terrible puns. Toriel, the lady behind the door, wouldn't have to deal with his awful jokes. Grillby wouldn't have to deal with his tab. Nobody would look at him and groan because of his terrible puns about to come.

Sans manifested his soul, completely forgetting that the human was supposed to come sometime soon and he was supposed to meet them at the bridge like in the normal coding of this god forsaken game.

He looked at the upside down, slightly cyan colored, cracked soul. It was cracking s little bit more by the minute with Sans's depressive, suicidal thoughts. Why not just end it? Nobody cared about him anyways. He summoned a small gaster blaster and aimed it at his soul.

You walked past the areas where you were supposed to be with sans, very confused at what was going on. You made it to where the dog who can't see anything moving was, and there Sans was sitting instead. He had a gaster blaster to his soul and tears coming out of his eyesockets

You didn't care about the functionality of the game and how you were supposed to be the protagonist named Frisk. Right now, you were you. You rushed up to o him, despite the player trying to still you, and you yelled his name.


You swatted the gaster blaster down into the snow just before it could shoot at his soul. A crying, suicidal sans looked up and his pupils met your eyes. His eye had a glowing pupil like I bad time mode, which you hate to cause. #AntiGenocide


You reached over the counter and gave him a big, whopping hug. Sans stiffened. Why were you hugging him? This wasn't part of the game. The protagonist's job is to mimick the controls of the player or players. This was against code. But then again... wasn't all of this? Is it all worth it in the end?

"Don't do it! There are so many people that care about you! Papyrus cares about you! I care about you! Don't give up! Never give up!"

You were crying now. Oh great, he caused someone else to cry. That just shows how awful he is, doesn't it? But if he acts the Way he wants to act you will feel even worse. He sighs and hugs you back.

"Sorry Kiddo, I shouldn't have even thought about it"

Comforting you was the best way to reassure you he was fine when he really wasn't fine. Sans doesn't like liars. He knew you were just trying to comfort him in a quote unquote time of need. But he didn't need that comfort. He knew a truth you could never know.

Because he was coded to know that truth.

OKAY that was a feels bomb. You didn't expect that, did ya? Start with the feels And Stop with the feels. That's how I roll! Lol. That was it. I'm sorry it's so short. 


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