Tagged AGAIN!?

890 15 29

Okay, so SIColorsOfTheRainbow tagged me yet again. Don't care. Don't read. Sorry, but this is something I gotta do. Dat's da rules.

1.) Sexuality?

I'm straight. Sorry ladies  I think you're all wonderful but I'm only into guys.

2.) Gender?

Imma girl.

3.) Happy?

Depends. Recently I've been a bit down but coming home and playing softball makes it all better. Trust.

4.) Last Song?

I freaking love Undertale the musical, okey?

5.) Hair Color?

Light, ugly brunette with a singular blonde streak somewhere in the back. I like to call it my blonde streak and blame it for when I act dumb or klutzy. Inside joke.

6.) Zodiac?

I swear if someone laughs....

I'm a Virgo.


7.) Last Person Kissed?

Do parents count? If not I haven't had my first actual kiss yet...

8.) Fav Color

Super dark purple (eggplant, Indigo, or black. But sometimes a good light blue or red is a good change.

9.) Fav Food?

Rally depends on the time of month. But steak is always good. It's hard to choose.

10.) Battery?


It never goes below fifty. 


11.) Celebrty crush?

Uh... what's that? Do fictional characters count? (Only likes cartoons, video games, and youtubers. And She doesn't crush on a teal real life people older than her.)

12.) Fav Veggie

Ooh, that's a tough one~ Spinich.

13.) Eye Color?

Depends on what I wear. Sometimes it's hazel, sometimes it's grey-blue, and sometimes it's green. More often than not it is green.

14.) Shoe Size?

Women's 8

15.) Dream Job?

I wanna work with space. Be an astronomer and help humanity get to mars. I plan on using softball as both a time passer and a way to get college scholarships, since my Dream school is out of my state. Writing and drawing would continue to be my hobby, maybe even getting a book published in whatever spare time I have. Knowing me, I wouldn't have any being busy with family life. Family means everything to me.

Now I gotta tag some peeps.....







And Kawaiimaidtreatcafe because she fussed at me on my first time uploading this.

And everyone else who wants to.

I'm lazy and about to leave for softball.


I did get a chapter earlier so don't expect another one tonight. Sorry darlings..



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