Nightmares [Sans x Reader]

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The one request I did get is for NdragonEyes. Thanks N for the request and this little angst fluffball will be ready before you know it!

Sans was lounging on the couch in psychological agony.  Emeories flodoed his eyesockets and swarmed in his brain. Genocide. Dust. Blood. Death. Watching Papyrus trust the fallen child when they were corrupt with a killing spree.

It hurt. It hurt him in the inside. He could feel his soul swelling with torture and his pupil glowing, remembering. Gaster Blasters, knives, scarves, bones, thrashing, souls breaking, dust. Dust dust dust dust dust. Sans was going to go mad with all of this.

That's when you walked downstairs from Papyrus's room, careful to silently close the door and tiptoe down the stairs. Yeah, you slept with Pappy in his race car bed. But now that couldn't calm you down. You didn't want to wake Pappy, and... you had the worst nightmare of your life.

You curled the blanket around your shoulders and walked down the stairs. You saw sans still awake. He looked as terrified and as in pain as you. Did he have nightmares too? Huh. MAybe some coincidence was in order. But you were too mixed up to even care. You had silent sobs leaving your lungs and tears trailing your face. 

You creep up on the couch. Sans senses a weight next to him and fumbles to regain composure, forcing his pupils to go back to normal. He flinches, jerking his skull to face you directly. He fixed his posture and sits straight up.

"O-oh. Hey kiddo. What's shakin?"

He stuttered. Sans never stutters. He was always tough and would joke the pain away. He always was a person to look up to. Undyne May be tough, but sans was emotionally strong. He didn't let things get under his skin.

"I... I had a scary dream..."

You sobbed, your voice cracking. You curled up again. Sans stared st you blankly for a mi Ute before you cringed up and began Crying. Just sobbing there. Sans wrapped his arms around you, radius pressed against you and his mandible resting on your shoulder. I realize  I'm mixed up his madible for whatever bone is in the palm before. NOW I realize it's the lower jaw! XD!

"Hey, Kiddo, don't worry about it. You're safe with me..."

You sob again, hugging him back. You forced your face to nuzzle deep into his jacket, eyeing his ribs against your face. You wedge your nose between two of them and you can feel some sort of rays radiating off his soul, as if the soul was trying to comfort you just as much.

"I'm sorry sans. I'm sorry."

You cry out between breaths. You didn't care about being too loud anymore. You were wailing apologies as if this was something you really did. You were wailing like you actually did  under everybody you loved.

"I'm so sorry! I'm sorry sans! I'm sorry!"

Sans rubbed circles on your back to calm you down. Sadly enough, he knew exactly what you were apologizing for. It was the same reason he was kept up at night. Flashbacks. Memories. Timelines. Genocide. 

He looked over and saw Papyrus standing on the stairs, arching in utter horror as his human friend was sobbing in his big brother's arms. Sans reassured him it was fine and he would go back to bed. Papyrus wasn't so sure.

"Kids, Hey, Hey. It's fine. It was just a Dream. Just a nightmares. You're fine..."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

Your wails we're getting quieter, becoming huffs of air between shaky breaths and large sobs coming from the frogs in your throat. Papayrus walked around and silently sat behind you and Sans on the couch, waiting for when he thought he should speak. But papyrus knew he didn't have much he could do.

"Kiddo, listen to me. It was just a nightmare, calm down. We're here... we're here..."

With that reassurance, you were at peace. They were here. You didn't kill them. You weren't forced to. You managed to close your eyes, letting the dew from your eyelashes fall into one last tear before calming down, resting a littler there. You felt another hand on your shoulder.


Papyrus had his same loud voice as ever. He was still here too. You smiled before falling to sleep. Sans looked up at Paps and thanked him with his pupils. Paps nodded in understanding before scaling the stairs again to try and resume his good night's sleep. This time without a bedtime story. 

Sans picked you up bridal style and carried him to his room instead. He figured you would be more comfortable here since, ya know, he was here to reassure you that nobody died. He set you down in his bed and covered you up. He looked around to Make sure nobody was around before caressing your cheek and pressing your teeth against it.

"I love you kiddo. Sleep tight."

With that, he pulled up a chair from who knows where and watched you sleep. But soon enough his own sloth got the best of him and he fell asleep with his head on your legs, chair fumbled back, and standing on his knees. 

That's sans for you.

Was this good enough? I sure hope it was. Sorry for the lack of enough updates today! I just have a little writer's overload. That's when you have so many ideas of original characters, story ideas, and so much inspiration for other things. Sorry.


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