Partners in Crime [Mafia!Sans x Mafia!Skeleton!Reader]

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Request by kayrocks626. I'm bad at this AU considering the wiki isn't any help. I will try to use this song as a basis.





The wall explodes in on itself due to the explosion set off by a small detonation device. The explosion caused a commotion over where you were, so everyone in the Hotland Regional Bank wouldn't be looking when Sans and Papyrus steal all the money for Gaster's clan. Why? Well, Gaster's Clan was at war with Hotland's so this was their way of saying who the dominant Gang is.

The security officers rush over to where you were. Being in Hotland, they werent dogs like normal. Yet, they were very, very easily distracted and manipulated. You simply took two nice creams and the hot monsters looked at it with a large need. You smirk.

"Agree to agree this never happened, and it's yours."

The guards agreed and rushed to the Nice Cream, eating it soon and walking away as if the robbery wasn't even happening. You smirk victoriously and then turn around, looking somewhere. 


You call out. Soon, the rest of your gang including Gaster come rushing in to carry off the gold. You see Papyrus and Sans rushing to get all the gold in the bags and throwing it out where the gang can take it and haul It off Back to Snowdin.

As soon as it started, it was almost over. All the gold was in the vans. All thst was left was for you, Sans, and Papyrus to hop on and blow this Nice Cream stand. Papyrus was there and you almost made it with Paps but something hot you and Sans, throwing you both backwards. Mettaton was standing there with a bomb in hand and a smirk.

"So, you dears thought you can steal from our territory? Naughty naughty~"

The vans peeled out, leaving you and Sans to defend your own bones. You look over at him. He was glaring at Mettaton. You stood up quickly and spun out of the way of another bomb from the opposing gangster. Sans managed to teleport out of the way in time. Both of you launch attacks at Mettaton.

Mettaton gracefully and showoffishly dodged every Single bone being thrown his way and then smirked at you both. He summoned little versions of his square self and they launched beams of plasmatic energy (lasers) at you both. 

Thinking quickly, you make a shield of bones and pull Sans behind you for cover. Sans takes his time being protected useful by summoning two Gaster's blasters and aimed them directly for Mettaton. 

Mettaton noticed the attack and jumped out of the way in the nick of time. But this meant the assault of mini robots with lasers was temporarily stopped so this left Mettaton wide open for you And Sans to act.

Both of you launched a wave of bones, stronger and more quantities than before, at the robot gangster. By the time Mettaton was able to see the attack it was too late. Mettaton closed his eyes and graced himself the best he could.

The smoke clears and Mettaton is badly injured. Sans walked up, ready to kill him with an extremely sharp bone. You summon bones that make a wall in front of Sans, telling him to stop. Out of the corner of your eyesocket you see him try to get up. You summon more bones as a cage for Mettaton

"(Your name), What the hell!?"

You smirk at Mettaton.

"I think we can do worse than kill him. How about reporting him to officer Undyne that we saw a theft?"

Sans smirked at the idea, looking down at Mettaton. The humanoid robot had fear in his eyes. His remarkably fabulous gangster eyes. Sans looked back to you and nodded his skull. He liked this idea.

"And send him to jail, knocking down a huge threat within the Hotland Clan. Great Idea. Now, let's get back to Snowdin, Gaster's waiting."

After tying Mettaton up for the cops and making a fake call, you take Sans's hand and teleport back to Snowdin using one of his infamous shortcuts. They won't ever, and you mean EVER take you alive.

I tried. I told you I aint good.


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