Drunkless [Gaster!Sans x Reader]

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So I don't know him too well, despite him being in my Ask book. That was on request. So for this oneshot. Enough about my bullshit, it's STORYTIME.

You sat at the bar, spinning the empty glass bottle a little bit. You had to have very high acohol intolerance, did ya? The one person who actually wants to get drunk for every second of the day can't get drunk easily, and it ain't even bad. You can remember everything after even the most hardcore of hardcore whisky. 

So you sighed, spinning your seventh bottle. You glanced up at the bare tender, not feeling dizzy in the slightest. You slide the bottle down the counter to where the cluster of other used bottles were. Recycling is key amirite?

"Hit me. I want to get drunk. Hit me."

The bartender shook his head and pointed to the sign saying that seven was the limit for any guest, no matter their intolerance level. That much hardcore whiskey would upset your stomach, but not make you forget even a millisecond of your horrible life. Great.

"Yo, Hit me with some Vodka. Two shots."

The bartender nodded at the voice and went to get what was asked of him. You turned and saw a skeleton. He was smoking a cigar, not a cigarette. Oh, extra aren't we? He wore a leather jacket And he looked pretty damn badass if you say so yourself. You scoff.

"You sure you can handle a little vodka?"

The skeleton gave you a side glance, his pupils moving in his empty black voids he calls eyesockets. It was his turn to scoff as he grabs the stool next to you and takes a Seat, eyecoketing the bottles at the end.

"I'm sure you aren't one to judge, being so thirsty yourself."

You feel your cheeks get a little hot, but not too much. To your dismay, you still were in total control of your body. You were in total consciousness. The bartender came back and handed him his two shots. He slides one over to you.

"You look like you are still quite parched. Don't worry. I'll share with ya, dollface."

You look at the shot. The clear liquid didn't look bubbly like sprite or seven up. It was vodka, what did you expect? Also if any of you readers don't mind me breaking the fourth wall and got that two shots of vodka reference and comment here I will instantly love you. XD

You down the shot, a little eager. You swallow it in record time as I feel you were engulfed by gluttony. Gluttony for any kind of acohol. It's harmsless to you, like a glad dad of water. But a person could dream, no?

G watched you down the shot, desperate. What was up with this person? They were very odd. Kind of intriguing too. He just watched you blink a few times, put down the shot glass, and slump down with a sigh.

"Still nothing. God damnit."

You still had total control. You thought maybe if you tried a different acohol in your system with the whiskey the mix would contaminate your immune system And let you let loose. Let you get wild. Let you forget.

"Nothing! Geez, doll, you can handle some acohol. How the hell you still sober?"

You look at him with a very tired expression. Well, someone was actually interested in your misreble, sad little life you kept saying was worth it but really wasn't. No matter how hard you tried to drink your life away, it never worked.

"I wish I wasn't, alright? I should go. I'm sorry for wasting your time. Here."

You flicked two quarters at him with dead precision that it flies into his eyesocket, making his magic pupil fade for a second before reforming once the coins pop back out his mouth into his hand. You were already standing up and halfway gone.

G wasn't ready. You looked like a fun person to talk to. Oh wait, he forgot you can't write sarcasm in words on fanfiction. Whoops. He used his powers and searched for your soul to levitate you and bring you back. Ha! found it! He used his magic to bring you back over to look him in the eye.

One second, you were walking to the door. The next you were dragged back at lightning speed and meeting the face of the same skeleton who bought you a shot of vodka and you payed him back for it. What more did he want? You looked down and froze, turning pale.

G was wondering why the hell you we're  so scared, until he looked down himself. Your soul... only half of it was there. And even that half was fracturing and splitting off into fourths within itself. G let you go immediately.

"Da Hell-"

"This is why I wanted to go, before I hurt you too."

With that, you ran. You didn't care what you dropped, you left. You knew you dropped something, but you didn't care. Driver's license? Screw it you could walk. Wallet? You already were practically a beggar. Whatever it was, screw it. You needed to get out of there before you hurt that's Skelton like-

G saw you dropped something. It wasn't anything valuable he could sell, but a small book. A diary. It had a nice purple leather cover and a little place for a pen to slide in, which there was. It also had purple ink like the cover. He picked it up and opened the cover, to see all your contact info on the first place in case it was dropped.

G took out his phone and read everything on that page. Your name was (your name) (middle name) (last name), you were definately (gender), you had (pets). Your Mom and Dad are dead. Your (siblings) are either dead or missing. You had no relitive family.  G entered your number in his phone and dialed it. He hesitated to press call.

Should he?



He hit call.

Wow, I think I didn't actually screw everything up for once! This was actually halfway decent in plot! I don't know if he's OOC or not... sowwy...


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