Just PaperJam [NaJ_Yandere!Jock!PJ x Shy!Reader x Nerd!Fresh]

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I am sorry thst my oneshots have lacked quality lately. And oven been doing a lot of one AU and specific characters. I'm just trying to see if I'm comfortable writing this AU to see if I should make it a book. 

This one will be a little different. My first time doing this so please leave feedback on the style of writing and how it works, and how I managed to do this. Feedback would mean a lot right now.

You always felt eagle eyes pricing your back when you roamed the halls. Anywhere in school, you had eyes on your back. But whenever you looked, nobody was there. Nobody was looking at you, yet you felt like you were constantly being watched.


In the cafeteria today, I'm sat with your friends like normal. Fresh, Goth, Palette, And Alphys. You were a huge nerd. You loved anime, reading, and writing. You fit right in with this group of nerdy students.

But this time, only four of you guys were at the table. Between Fresh and Palette, Goth as gone. He was the most calm and the smartest out of you all. He also was the one you talked to the most, so of course you noted his absence. You ate lunch like normal.


The next day, your table seemed even lonelier. Between you and Fresh was an empty seat today. Where did Alphys go? You felt odd, having only three people at your table. It felt so empty, but you felt like it wasn't your place to say anything.

Palette was uncharacteristically quiet. He didn't say a word. He just looked down at his hands and refused to eat. He looked like he was on the verge of crying. He also had thst look as if he knew something but was silenced.

Fresh looked kiddish. He had nobody on either side, yet he didn't want to scoot further away from both you and Palette. He stayed in place and ate his sandwich he packed before school today. 

You felt eyes on you, like normal. But this time you felt as if it was putting a target on your back. Only this time it was amplified. You look around at your friends, who felt as awkward as you. It felt horrible, but you didn't want to share your burdens.


The day after that it was just you and Fresh today. Just you and Fresh. Alone. At your table. Stranded in the cafeteria. Alone. It felt painful inside. It hurt. Fresh clearly felt the same. He scooted over To sit right next to you, as if you were huddling together.

"I don't like this..."

Fresh muttered to himself. Eyes darting on your backs. Atmosphere thickening and cooling down, bringing an ominous feeling of dread over you. You shivered and nodded at Fresh. He was completely right. Neither of you should like this at all.

Fresh took your hand in his. He ate with one hand. You felt him shaking. You hadn't no right to judge, since you were also scared out of your mind. You figured if you leaned I to him a little bit, you'd feel safer. So you leaned on his shoulder. Fresh looked down at the frightened you, who said no words.

Lunch would be over soon, and you'd have to live with the torture and feeling of eyes on your backs alone. These past few days... something was happening. Something was going on. But you didn't know what.


At lunch the next day, it was still you and Fresh. But someone was waiting at the table for both of you. He was the most popular guy at school. He played basketball and he had connections to every jock in every grade.


He had a smirk written all over his face as he held a very bloody knife in his hand. You gasped, hiding into Fresh. It wouldn't do anything considering he was just as weak and helpless as you in this situation.

"You Nerds are too adorable~ You're my nerds now."

PJ put away the knife. The whole Junior year staring at the three of you. PJ chuckled and he snaped, glaring into both of your eyes. He looked intimidating. He was intimidating. You felt so powerless.

"Knees, now."

Instantly, you and Fresh both dropped on your knees in front of him. He seemed very amused. And I mean very amused. PJ was both demonstrating his power over others in the school and he made you and Fresh feel like mere objects. 

"You both will do whatever I say whenever I say. You will follow me wherever I want to go. That includes home. Got it?"

You nodded with tears brimming your eyes, scared at what he would do to you if you disobeyed. Fresh seemed to be scared of the opposite. He was scared at what PJ would do to him if he agreed to this.

"Freshie, you're supposed to agree."

He growled, about to pull out the knife again. You whimpered and nudged him timidly. Fresh immediately regretted everything and nodded, fully Submitting to PJ. PJ seemed content. He finally told exactly what he wanted. All it took was killing a few nerds to get the two cute ones. Well, kill two and hand one to Undyne.

"There we go, My pets~ Now, you're sitting with us."

Pj grabbed you both by the collars of your shirts and dragged you to his lunch table, where you both sat at his feet like dogs. You quietly sobbed and Fresh oil did reach over occasionally to wipe the tears away.

You never wanted to do those things PJ would make you do.

Terrible, is it not? No seriosuly. The writing and execution was terrible! I'm so sorry!


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