Yandere? Okay! [JaN_Yandere!Goth x Reader]

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Well oh_my_jish_and_tyjo, you couldn't resist. Okay let's do this. Also the reader is definately female.

Nice legs, beautiful eyes, super nice, super cute. All this makes a skeleton go WOO HOO!!! That was a meme, if you haven't caught on to that.

Goth, the fanboyish, tall librarian's assistant had started noticing a very beautiful girl sitting at a table picking out specific books. A bunch of his favorite romance novels and a bunch of thrillers. He had taken an interest in her.

So what does goth do when he realizes he has a crush? He goes straight to the internet! While scrolling on the internet he discovered the different types of 'dere' in anime. Apparently each represent a different kind of lover.

Tsundere- someone who tries to hide their feelings with hostility. Often hits or accuses their love interest of things when in reality they just don't want their feelings to be shown. They have so much pride they can't shiw affection.

Hemidere- someone who believes they are superior to their love interest and makes them treats them like royalty. Very uncommon. Most hemideres are rich people who grow up to be these snobbish people.

Kuudere- someone who doesn't show love or affection at all, often very cold to their lover or love interest. They seem like they don't care but they actually do care. They care a lot, but play it off like it's no big deal.

Deredere- someone very cutesy who acts normal around their crush, sometimes even a little flustered. The dream girlfriend/boyfriend.

Yandere- someone who loves their love interest so much they go insane and would kill anyone's who gets in the way of their love. Extremely obsessive over their love interest and extremely popular on the internet.

Ooh! That last option seemed very interesting to Goth. He clicked on a link going into deeper information about yanderes. The Wikipedia had many examples of yanderes and there was even a bunch of how to videos! Even if they weren't serious, they were still very helpful to Goth!


The next day Goth was acting like his normal self, then he noticed you walked into the library like normal, but this time you brought a boy with you. From waht goth remembered from the article on yanderes, he was supposed to get extremely mad and kill him. Okay! 

He watched you leave to go to the bathroom, leaving the guy to be all alone. Goth took this as his chance to walk uo to him, lead him away from here, and kill him! This school didn't have an incinerator like Akademi high though... How would he dispose of the body? Wait a second, he could always frame someone!


Goth popped up behind the boy. Oh, he knew this guy! He was in his third period class! Too bad he won't ever go back to third period again. Girls find yandere Guys hot, right? The boy turned around, startled. He relaxed when he saw Goth.

"Oh, it's just you. Hey Goth. Did ya need something?"

"Yeah! Can you follow me? I want to show you something cool!"

He took the same line from Yandere Simulator to make it seem the most believable. He wasn't very good at lying. He played lots of yandere Simulator. He also watched lots of future diary and lots of yandere vocaloid songs.

"Uh, sure?"

Perfect. Goth took his wrist and began leading him away, just in case he decided to wander away like some of the NPCs did. He took this dude around to the janitor's closet. He locked themselves inside from the inside.

"Heh, dude? What's this?"

The victim was unsure and scared, like he read they should be. Wait, aren't yanderes suppsoed to torture their victims? He doesn't now have time. Goth took out his knife and placed his hand over his mouth so he doesn't scream.

"I'm sorry, but I have to kill you now."

Like that, the knife was stuck in his throat before he could scream. Goth had to be extra careful not to get any blood on him. He looked around the closet and found one of this big yellow bucket thingies janitors use. He dumped the body in there. 

He left the janitor's closet with nothing but a small puddle of a stain on his shirt. It was past lunch time, he could say it was ketchup. It he could use his long scarf to cover it. The possibilities were endless.

Goth hummed to himself as he walked back to library. Perfect. You were standing right there, looking around. You were searching for him, duh. Now all he had to do was play innocent like he normally is.


Goth popped up beside you. You turned to him, shocked. Then it turns into a smile just as the boy's had. Your smile was really pretty. He loved it. That's why he went and learned to be yandere. To keep your smile.

"Oh, hello. Have you seen my brother? He was here with me a moment ago."

Wait, that was her brother? Goth paused for a moment before shaking his head and smiling cutely. 

"Nope, but I can help you!"

You were hesitant, but you soon gave in to tol goth's Cute charm.

"Okay, he was helping me with a science project. Here..."

So goth accidentally killed his 'senpai's brother. Oops. Oh well. The number one rule of yandere was not to let Senpai catch you killing or know thst you've killed people if you want it easy. Goth was good with secrets. He was a fanboy after all~

This was bad I'm so sorry.


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