Admission Fees [UnderSwap!Grillby x Wife!Reader]

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A request for NdragonEyes. We had a rough enough day so why don't I make it better? This will most likely be very, very short. I had low Inspiration.

Grillby watched as the child maneuvered around his lava pit. He giggled to himself, next to his wife on the volcanic throne he made for himself and his wife to share over their lava kingdom in hotland. 

"My my, a child. With no fee to pay admission. Well, my dear, what do you think? Is it tea time?"

You nod and smile, clapping your hands together. Surely Grillby can handle this small child on his own. You don't like having to help him. You prefer to have a quiet cup of tea without many guests. Guests just ruin the quiet. Though, you wouldn't mind having a show.

You watched Grillby hop around, tea pot and cup in hand. You sipped your Own cup of tea from your throne. One lava rock to another before he was on a pedestal position to the child. You take a closer look at the child.

It was a rather cute child. A nice, rounded face and smooth brown hair. Bright red eyes and a timid facial expression. It almost reminded you of when you were passing through here yourself and couldn't pay up. But you don't focus on the past. The future was big, full of gold, and full of love.

"Hello, Human Child! Oh my, are you here for tea?"

You stand up, slowly approaching Grillby. Small steps towards him. The child looked scared and shook her head. This clearly didn't please Grillby. He just set the tea set on the lava rock, his glasses spinning. Uh oh.

"No tea? Well then. Just passing through I presume? Do you have an admission fee?"

The child was startled, she if they didn't expect they had to pay to go through here. You were slowly making your way towards your husband, a plan forming in your mind. Last time someone couldn't pay the fee, a fate worse than death happened to them. Yet... they enjoy their punishment.

"No fee? Oh well then. Why don't we share a little dance?"

Grillby's feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns and sees his gorgeous wife standing there's. She was wearing the bright lime green, pink, and Lavender dress he picked out for her and that top hat with a velvet ribbon stretching around it. His perfect bride.

"Grillby, perhaps we can skip the dance for now. I have a better way this child can pay our fee."

Chara was shaking. She had places to go, people to save, and a job to do. Why couldn't these two lunatics just let her pass so she can get to the core and talk to Queen Toriel!? She quivered in her skin as she looked in your eyes. They reflected mercy.

"After all...."

A grin swept over your face, a grin you have never made before. It was malicious like the Cheshire cat's, yet on the face of a hatress. Grillby grew rather happy seeing that you had this face, he could read your mind like a book. After all, he made that mind work that way.

"I always wanted a child of my own."

OKAY that took a creepy turn! I told you this would be creepy. But I had to do this when I had the idea! Sorry if he's way out of character.


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